The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 21st, 2017

@TuurDemeester To be fair, betting on an ICO is probably more about betting on the team than on the idea…

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Wallets, exchanges, & entire crypto asset networks becoming too popular to use is a great problem to have. The pressure to scale is rising.

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@ryanxdrake All blockchains have scalability problems.

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@coindesk Might want to check your math on that - I don’t think anything can lose more than 100% of its value.

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@ryanxcharles Hearsay wasn’t proof last year and it still isn’t proof this year…

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Neat new visualization of today’s mempool fee rates from @blockchain.

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RT @TuurDemeester: If this graph is accurate, running an Ethereum node is 3x as CPU intensive as running a Bitcoin node.…

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@SDLerner I suspect it’s more complicated than that. Let’s find out…

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@VladZamfir @Steven_McKie Should we expect an impending “gas limit debate” to dominate Ethereum discussions?

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@Steven_McKie @VladZamfir Sure; wallets and exchanges have to do basically the same type of work to add support for new tokens.

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@adam3us Have you seen HashCash? Not to be confused with Hashcash, of course.

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Today may be the day that a lot of people realize Ethereum doesn’t actually scale better than Bitcoin.…

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To â‚¿, or not to â‚¿, that is the question.

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Those who seek power are least suited to wield it. Something to keep in mind when listening to arguments for changing Bitcoin.

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@mikeinspace @misterdna @Sigfriedddd @theonevortex Kind of. In terms of mining it only becomes censorship if all mi…

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@mikeinspace @misterdna @Sigfriedddd @theonevortex The network itself doesn’t care, though some humans seem to be v…

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@misterdna @Sigfriedddd @theonevortex Sure; I’m speaking purely from a network / blockchain observer standpoint.

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@misterdna @Sigfriedddd @theonevortex There is no way to discern the intent of a transaction, thus there is no way…

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Until ICOs address the dilemma & trilemma described by @VitalikButerin, users are incentivized to spam the network.

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