The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 11th, 2017

@elianto_nL I was going to for this summer but now it’s too late.

via Twitter for Android in reply to elianto_nL

“Unregulated crypto markets will eventually dwarf regulated traditional markets due to their systemic risks.” - @SimonDixonTwitt

via Twitter Web Client

@CharlieShrem Maybe @Falkvinge hasn’t read the long list of folks who spoke in support of it at

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WayneVaughan Decentralization is like fighting gravity. It takes energy to keep networks from centralizing to improve speed, efficiency, and reliability.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:43 PM, Jun 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@roysebag Ha, we’ve been hearing that prediction for years.

via Twitter for Android in reply to roysebag

@roysebag Pretty much all of the hype these days is with the Ethereum ICO boom.

via Twitter for Android in reply to roysebag

We reminisce about folks who bought pizzas for thousands of BTC. One day we’ll do the same for those who bought retail items w/on-chain txs.

via Twitter Web Client

Given recent rise in BTC exchange rate, expect to see consistent double digit percentage difficulty increases due t…

via Twitter Web Client

@promo_reporter Come again? You’re claiming to be Satoshi? And claiming to have a license on something?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to promo_reporter

When you change one line of code and break hundreds of unit tests.

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@monsterbitar It’s not a threat, it just happens to be a consequence of the simpler channel-based solutions.

via Twitter for Android in reply to monsterbitar

@Daniel_Plante Hard forking would be much harder. Entire point is that we can build simpler channel-based solutions with current protocol.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Daniel_Plante