RT @jimmysong: Meet @WeRateBitcoiner: Rates Bitcoiners 11-15 on a scale of 1-10. Says good about everybody except @junseth. Makes people la…
@JaEsf @TuurDemeester @izakaminska That’s a broad question - anyone whose vision for Bitcoin does not prioritize th… https://t.co/okQhQ6GC0n
RT @WeRateBitcoiner: Meet @jimmysong. Mr Game Theory. The most neutral man in Bitcoin. Memorized every BIP with dates. Decent coder. Writes…
@JaEsf @TuurDemeester @izakaminska More hindsight than wishful thinking. If you wish to defer to hash power, it’s y… https://t.co/XrDaJC3Rjr
@JaEsf @TuurDemeester @izakaminska I think a lot of devs agree that it was a mistake to implement a protocol upgrad… https://t.co/FwdcrT9LLO
@JaEsf @TuurDemeester @izakaminska It sounds like what you’re actually saying is that significant set of node opera… https://t.co/QKqqTOnV88
@TuurDemeester Has @izakaminska learned that miners don’t control Bitcoin?
@theinstagibbs A bit, though I had to quit at block 3M b/c I ran out of space - was 150GB on disk.
After testing Parity I believe these results were from using spinning disk hard drives. Will take 1-2 days w/an SSD. https://t.co/cqfu4BEGQ2

Whoever made this meme clearly hasn’t heard of paper wallets. pic.twitter.com/3Yp0s0RoL3
It’s not BTC vs ETH vs LTC etc.
It’s sovereign digital assets vs soft digital assets.
It’s hard crypto assets vs hard physical assets.
@Satoshi_N_ @adam3us You missed the point. You claim taking a screenshot of a 6 year old tweet and within a few day… https://t.co/tzrxuJclHX
If @eth_classic ever attains the current value of @ethereumproject, the DAO hacker will be a billionaire…
If you hold hatred in your heart for fellow Bitcoiners, I kindly invite you to fork off onto your own chain of loathing and despair.
@WeRateBitcoiner @ofnumbers It takes no effort to be vitriolic and make enemies. Take the more challenging path of… https://t.co/S7IjffUy6R
RT @WeRateBitcoiner: Meet @ofnumbers. Mr Consortium. Never owned any BTC. He’ll unite the banks of the world. Despite blocking everyone, we…
RT @WeRateBitcoiner: Meet @RossUlbricht. The Silk Road Genius. Unjustly doing time for extricating violence from drugs. We await his releas…
Treat your fellow Bitcoiners the way that @WeRateBitcoiner treats them.
RT @WeRateBitcoiner: Meet @pwuille. A metahuman. The brains behind Segwit. More core commits than anyone living. Will correct his compiler…
@wuehler @lucas_lclc @infura_io My MBP got to block 3M after 24 hours but SSD ran out of space w/150GB datadir. Sus… https://t.co/o4d9il4nrD
It sounds like a bunch of the miners are ready to increase the value of their holdings. Let’s get to signaling! https://t.co/dDXubTBaQG
@josephjpeters @classygustav Geth for both of you? I’m running latest Parity version - my understanding is it’s sup… https://t.co/1twhIK7gT9
@adam3us @Satoshi_N_ If Adam had deleted the tweet, why does the screenshot show Twitter’s brand new icons they JUS… https://t.co/1KwrdFzHz6
@josephjpeters @classygustav I suspect you’re all using the default “warp sync” that skips validation of most block… https://t.co/eb5P0Ae76x
@_drgo @ryanxcharles False. Nobody knows anything. Everything that will happen has happened.