Litecoin Lord Lee leaves livelihood for luxurious lifestyle. 😎
@NayeemJunaid Anyone can fork off at any time they choose. Forks are likely to either have few followers or many fo…
@AcademyDL Possibly, because it will still be cheaper to open/close channels on LTC.
@TuurDemeester No UASF reference, just some hard proof against the narrative of “SegWit is an unsafe soft fork beca…
@dgenr818 Miners will continue to collect on-chain transaction fees; it’s not possible to keep a payment channel open indefinitely.
2,000,000 BTC are now protected by P2SH, an “anyone-can-spend soft fork.” Surely miners will revert the soft fork &…
@dgenr818 Yep, anyone who has invested in bitcoin can “stake” their coins on LN. Miners likely have plenty to stake!
@el33th4xor @theinstagibbs A quantitative CONOP formula is one of my longstanding dreams.
@tradewithdave @el33th4xor Never put your finger on the trigger until you are sure of your target and what lies behind it.
@el33th4xor @theinstagibbs How much harder do we need to push?
Running litecoin
@cjdcosta @el33th4xor @jonmatonis @francispouliot_ It’s quite relevant if the community rejects larger blocks, which seems to be the case. 😉
RT @murchandamus: @lopp Currently micropayments are restricted to third-party custodial wallet services. LN indirectly extends the reach of…
@weissjeffm @TriangleBitcoin Also be sure to sign up for the pro / tech meetup:
@SouperNerd Industry. The demand is strong. You won’t have any way to stop it - it will happen between large enterprises on the back end.
If SegWit & LN don’t happen, we’ll implement payment channels that don’t allow miners to collect off-chain fees.
Miners may fear revenue loss due to Lightning Network “stealing” potential on-chain tx fees, but miners can run LN nodes & collect fees.
@Adrian_Xt @ErikVoorhees Everybody wants one, but there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.
@roysebag My IRA won’t allow me to short, but I will happily buy some bottoms from you, good sir.
@WidespreadBTC @el33th4xor @jonmatonis @francispouliot_ The dumb sheep have spoken, Emin.
@el33th4xor It’s all speculation; can’t wait to find out 😀
@el33th4xor @jonmatonis @francispouliot_ The argument is that per (off chain) transaction fees are lower, but total…
@el33th4xor @jonmatonis @francispouliot_ Only if all else stays equal, which is highly unlikely. I outlined the cas…
@jonmatonis @francispouliot_ Miners need to understand that off-chain scaling incentivizes users to pay even higher…
@weissjeffm Hey Jeff, I hope you’ll come out to the @TriangleBitcoin meetups! Would be great to chat about what you’re working on.
@KingSolomonMine There is no judging - it simply is.
@fleshwounded I’m not referring to anything specific.
What gets pumped must get dumped.
@jgarzik Even with a $1B bounty, by the time someone actually did it, there wouldn’t be $1B in value. Not sure any…
@JonathanVaage @ErikVoorhees Indeed; in other words:
@painlord2k If there are no scaling solutions implemented, expect fees to increase faster than exchange rate as they have in past year.
@coinableS @TeringNering @Bcoin The later blocks are, in fact, bigger - they have far more transaction data. Visual…
@ErikVoorhees Fair enough; trade-offs aside. What size blocks required to accommodate other 5B? I suspect this will…
@scottshapiro Probably worth mentioning that it may be literally impossible to acquire 11,000 L3+ ASICs. I’m not sure.
@ErikVoorhees Temporarily, sure. Fees are how these systems prevent themselves from getting oversubscribed. When th…
@ErikVoorhees Onboard a few million daily transactors onto any public permissionless blockchain at this point in ti…
@brucefenton Simple economics + the fact that any miner who did would be shooting themselves in the foot.
@jgarzik Rough calculation: I assumed 50.001% attack running for 2 months with a 5 cent per KW/H electricity cost.
To reorg Litecoin far enough to deactivate SegWit & steal outputs would require over 10,823 L3+ ASICs: $14,828,075 + $685,771 of electricity
@shubh716 Post a testnet address and I’ll happily send 100 TBTC
@jgarzik Every day that goes by continues to increase cost of deactivation reorg immensely. Patience is a virtue. 😀
@jgarzik It’s a simple math problem - we know over $1M was encumbered by SegWit within first day or two of activati…
@barrysilbert @jgarzik I recommend reading @JaEsf’s recent post to dev list regarding timing issues.
If miners don’t signal BIP91 until July 21 (as per SegWit2x roadmap) then it will be too late to avoid chain split.
The key word being “if” - past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
RT @lopp: Still waiting for Litecoin miners to start stealing SegWit outputs as if they were “anyone can spend” (as the SegWit skeptics for…
@AlexVillas_ That’s not a testnet address… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
theinstagibbs In Bitcoin if you hold short time preferences, you’re going to have a bad time.
@SimonDingle Mycelium