The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

June 5th, 2017

@fleshwounded Yeah, I just used the @coindesk price index + a daily compounding interest calculation to figure out…

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Bitcoin average DAILY value change:
2010: +0.82%
2011: +0.76%
2012: +0.26%
2013: +1.11%
2014: -0.25%
2015: +0.09%
2016: +0.22%
2017: +0.66%

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With great sovereignty comes great responsibility.

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@jgarzik Soft forks /can/ be malicious, though by keeping in touch w/rest of community, node operators can easily be aware of them.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

@jgarzik Indeed, full node operators must remain diligent. They should monitor both the hardware and software that their nodes run.

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@frederikro It should be clear days beforehand whether or not activation can/will occur.

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If SegWit doesn’t activate by August 1, don’t try to contact me. I’ll be in my bunker after freezing BitGo wallets.

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TL;DR the safest & least disruptive path forward is for miners to activate SegWit via bit 1 before August 1.

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@davidweisss @rogerkver Indeed, there is no “right” or “wrong” side since the fundamental conflict is philosophical…

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@ryanxcharles @TuurDemeester Most services only measure reachable nodes. @LukeDashjr also infers unreachable nodes,…

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BIP91 is incompatible with BIP148 which is incompatible with BUIP055 which is incompatible with SegWit2X…

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@Dakotaquint1 @merkle_tree @rogerkver It’s easy to dismiss someone with whom you disagree as a troll. It’s hard to…

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@rogerkver Surely you agree that it’s not “Bitcoin vs all digital assets” but rather “self sovereign money vs natio…

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@rogerkver I don’t think 0.14% is really much to gloat about. Perhaps you’re just so pessimistic that you view optimism as gloating?

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Beware of those who try to diminish the value of the sovereignty provided to fully validating node operators in Bitcoin.

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