“Bulletproofs: Efficient Range Proofs for Confidential Transactions” On-chain scaling for privacy! eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf
@k_schellinger @John_Silvestro1 @VinnyLingham @brian_trollz Good question; I’d think a transition function would be… https://t.co/VYTDkqWtvD
@TokenHash @VinnyLingham @brian_trollz There are a plethora of reasons for which SHA256 may need to be deprecated;… https://t.co/gLcFGN2xmM
@TheJoyofBitcoin 😂 Feel free to use it however you want if you’re willing to pay for the block space. 😂
@CoiningBits @BKBrianKelly Yes.
@k_schellinger @John_Silvestro1 @VinnyLingham @brian_trollz More generally, on a long enough time frame all cryptog… https://t.co/TCtBLsbC5p
@VinnyLingham @brian_trollz I’m pretty sure that on a long enough timeframe, this will be a requirement.
@Suitpossum Not a good use of block space / on chain transactions. Best to wait until Lightning Network is ubiquitous.
@monsterbitar Leaders? I don’t see any leaders, just contributors.
@arlisjohnsoniii That’s why multiple teams are working on payment channel tech that will enable practically instant… https://t.co/giAezqgRht
@theinstagibbs @khannib @ziggamon @karel_3d @murchandamus I haven’t yet heard of a single BCH user successfully coo… https://t.co/UIWwU0FD7F
@uk_c_c @ryanxcharles While that’s the threshold cutoff, the subsidy will be < 1 BTC in ~20 years https://t.co/Zp5ujV87GP
@khannib @ziggamon @karel_3d @murchandamus Would be quite interesting to see if BCH miners are extracting value from naive users.
@ryanxcharles You never know… maybe this is a joke, maybe it’s not. https://t.co/qtG1A8pf1n
@ryanxcharles Block subsidy + fees. The “higher fees => higher security” point is on a long term scale as subsidy declines to 0.
@khannib @ziggamon @karel_3d @murchandamus Is anybody tracking this?
@prestonjbyrne Here’s a thought, @dscharfGlobe - try seizing firearms from the non-law-abiding citizens first and let us know how that goes.
Your face when you’re laying out strong Bitcoin adoption metrics and the other guy throws out the tulip analogy. /c… https://t.co/s6fZ9nbFT2
@Falkvinge @el33th4xor You presume too much. All transactions are people sending to exchanges to sell? I think not.… https://t.co/tT7hvwg8V0
@CharlesVogeljr @Soufianaddi1 @ryanxcharles @UnitWallet @PayPal @venmo @SquareCash Indeed, most users are more than… https://t.co/N201eX2c5Z
@PeterRizun Make a poll? The poll is happening every ~10 minutes!
@ryanxcharles Given that the EDA on the first fork makes it much easier to revive, when can we be sufficiently cert… https://t.co/Tx8oN8EUNr
@PeterRizun I think you mean “users are paying miners to 51% attack anyone who tries to use more resources than agreed upon.”
@ryanxcharles @UnitWallet Pretty sure @PayPal & @venmo & @SquareCash apps auto-update too!
@OneMorePeter @blockchain @BitGo @coinbase It’ll surely be somewhat different; general agreement is that the topolo… https://t.co/7yflNKplRE
@OneMorePeter @blockchain @BitGo @coinbase I can’t find the hubs of which you speak. https://t.co/EZZ9oVLkXR
@BrennerSpear It’s a full time job keeping track. Bitcoin Unlimited, Bitcoin XT, and Bitcoin Classic all added Bcas… https://t.co/MBSkfxDnWb
@BrennerSpear Bitcoin ABC is the first / most dominant Bcash implementation.
@jimmysong Might be a tad early to call the end of the civil war. So long as multiple crypto assets vy for the name… https://t.co/5M3o2UANgX
@Shankspranks @aaronsevivas @MoscoMonteiro @Rbr0wn92 @lightning @alexbosworth @JackMallers @starkness @roasbeef… https://t.co/iy2hxCpivB
@AloofTechnocrat There’s an archive here: nakamotoinstitute.org/the-skeptics/
RT @mikeinspace: What’s a SAFT? @ScottAdamsSays gives us the lowdown on an all-new episode of Bitcoin Car Talk! https://t.co/licATzU7wz
@crietmann Well, if you believe the propaganda in that post then it’s not an “attack” but rather “taking back Bitco… https://t.co/kqv9kj21Yj
@aaronsevivas @MoscoMonteiro @Rbr0wn92 @lightning @alexbosworth @JackMallers @starkness @roasbeef @rusty_twit Bitco… https://t.co/d8w0RppEPI
@TuurDemeester Shhh don’t point out their mistakes!
@aaronsevivas @Rbr0wn92 It’s not my fault if you aren’t keeping up to date with the progress of Lightning Network.… https://t.co/dC48Mnf9c8
@huemungussdik Each node has its own mempool; it’s possible for one node to have a tx in its mempool that conflicts… https://t.co/wpP6JC7a1U
@AaronvanW @Falkvinge Clearly he means “Nakamoto Consensus within the context of the Bcash fork.” We already saw th… https://t.co/CZTNusDd0v
“The Flippening”
“BTC EDA Death Spiral”
“SegWit introduces legal risks”
“Lightning Network isn’t Bitcoin”
“Anyone c… https://t.co/kSg2RpG2vF
55% of reachable Bitcoin ABC 0.16 nodes are hosted by Hangzhou Alibaba according to https://t.co/Cfl20a2VtK