@wutong_tang Blockstream’s agenda is irrelevant; they don’t control Bitcoin.
@amonrax Hard to say without knowing the profitability of each chain at the time. It’s possible but I would only ex… https://t.co/vBoIDEim7n
@OnWindowly I expect it will still happen, unless this leads to some sort of chain reaction collapse in mining support.
@amonrax I’m not sure what you mean… miners are free to mine BCH if they want.
ViaBTC is signaling NYA but has no intention of actually mining it. That brings down NYA hashrate to 70%… pic.twitter.com/DaemGSSuyH
murchandamus Like in Lego, big blocks are easier to use, but smaller blocks make for more sophisticated solutions. pic.twitter.com/dvtKs9HynV
@TraceMayer @bitcoincoreorg We’ve gotta learn you some HTML editing skills 😉 https://t.co/HoPpQmYMSm
@wutong_tang I don’t see that happening any time in the forseeable future, but perhaps our understanding of PoS wil… https://t.co/gDd0mIlYWw
@Jim_Harper IMO the least sophisticated way to run a node is to buy a Bitseed and plug it in. Though to make use of… https://t.co/KYFJdS6rxR
@Jim_Harper Around 8,000 reachable Core nodes. Precompiled binaries are available at bitcoincore.org/en/download/
@zorinaq @girevikcap I never said they aren’t correlated. I said hashrate does not cause price changes, it reacts t… https://t.co/Bpd9VRH1up
@SatoshiPolanyi @DJ_Erock23 Looks like you’ve substantiated my argument. “Market price will dictate the cost of production.”
@SatoshiPolanyi @DJ_Erock23 Sounds like you two are confusing Nakamoto Consensus with human consensus.
I can’t believe Bitcoin’s 9 years old and we still have folks claiming it operates under the Labor Theory of Value.… https://t.co/KmVu15E6su
@KingDevon11 You’re asking “how do miners predict the future?” They can’t - they have to adjust to reality as it happens.
@KingDevon11 You’re claiming that Bitcoin operates under the Labor Theory of Value, which has been thoroughly debun… https://t.co/BTR4c8aL3g
@Daniel65907315 If you look at the sharp jumps in node count, indicates a few large entities are running a lot of nodes.
83% (817 / 981) of reachable SegWit2X nodes are running on Amazon Web Services according to bitnodes.earn.com
@KingDevon11 Hashrate follows price.
It gets harder from here. https://t.co/bAj2IDrlcM https://t.co/gKg4ZUata3
We know you’re not going away @SenFeinstein, and that’s OK. We’ll just route around you and your ilk. https://t.co/nvqlZ4Wlbs
@jdmccoin All you have to do is hold your own keys and not make any transactions.
In 2 weeks the final SegWit2X struggle shall occur on the battlefield of the free market. I’ll be on the front lines, showing my conviction.
Is everyone tired yet? Maybe we should rest for a bit. 😥 https://t.co/22H981xu98