Weapons are technology.
Technology is information.
Information yearns to be free.
/cc @DefDist
@DFS_DrBurd It’s a saying (for holding) that refers to this historical post https://t.co/xesgdPT6ia
There are countless ways to screw up and lose your BTC. These are the early days with few guardrails - it’s safest to HODL on tight.
@KarateMc4w350m3 Because some of them are creating support tickets and we’re checking their wallets to see.
Pour one out for all the Bcash users who are sending their coins into SegWit black hole addresses on the wrong chai… https://t.co/vdmfNZNvis
RT @danrobinson: TL;DR: Bitcoin HODLers can afford to use a slower chain for way longer than miners can afford to mine a cheaper coin https…
@jeffbutts You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.
If you argue in favor of banning firearms then you’re bringing words to a gunfight.
@coolbearcjs @Twitter Thanks; I let him know.
@AriannaSimpson I hope you aren’t limiting your dating pool to bitcoin bulls 🙃
@AriannaSimpson @fluffypony It was just presented at @ScalingBitcoin yesterday.
@MissSatoshi @bobbyclee @zooko I maintain a list of recommended resources at lopp.net/bitcoin.html
@laurashin We’re well past words at this point. Follow the money, measure the conviction.
The NYA’s just a precursor for the future when real tech giants participate in Bitcoin, which is a precursor for nation state participation.
Given that nations claim to own the airwaves, @NickSzabo4 & @eiaine gave the most subversive @ScalingBitcoin talk. 😎 https://t.co/eOsPbhsKeW