@wbauthor @whatcanudoman @Macrike Ledger Nano S is very secure and supports a variety of crypto assets.
@wbauthor @whatcanudoman @Macrike If you don’t control the keys to the crypto asset, it’s not really yours. You sho… https://t.co/sdeyGRRih0
@twobitidiot I don’t recommend bringing a wrench to a gunfight, but to each their own…
@kryptocoin99 Possibly, though there will be additional security considerations because you’ll be operating a hot wallet.
@kryptocoin99 Yes, LN node operators will be directly incentivized to support the network because they can collect fees to route payments.
@George_harrap BitGo only offers non-custodial multisignature wallets.
@CryptoPoller Because “broadcast your data to everyone” doesn’t scale. Need more efficient routed networks. Watch… https://t.co/stoeeuYTQi
The Lightning Network is a Bitcoin Cache. Not to be confused with Bitcache or Bcash. 😬 https://t.co/pSGQC83s2U
@brianchoffman There will always be problems. As a NAP proponent I see it as an ethical issue, not the gateway to utopia.
@VinnyLingham Someone needs to create an altcoin airdrop generator a la @TheBlueMatt’s CoinGen site so that we can… https://t.co/ystgAAT6ml
@_drgo Laws? You mean those things that politicians come up with and use to terrorize citizens into compliance via… https://t.co/yhjJpWxEC1
@RiotPhillybrew Any service where you send your crypto assets to them and you no longer control the private keys to… https://t.co/9PFzMu0fPi
Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems that addressing problems resulting from monopolies by appealing to more p… https://t.co/Ut4U8B3Kup
@ashishansal If you don’t have the cryptographic keys to spend the crypto assets whenever you want, you’re using a… https://t.co/NxrWtEVOFt
Reason #472 to avoid custodial crypto services: you leave some assets with a custodian, they insanely increase in v… https://t.co/ASdR55qVH7
Looking forward to having @jimmysong speak about Bitcoin’s antifragility to @TriangleBitcoin on December 5 - we’ll… https://t.co/RmFvXH5sR5