@NickWalshBlog Hmmm I’d ask @ZeppelinOrg & @maraoz
@KevinKelbie Seems like with enough creativity, pretty much anything can be soft forked. Wouldn’t hold your breath… https://t.co/tSmUq3P0IW
The MimbleWimble testnet launched today! Instructions for building and running a node are available here: https://t.co/ojNwJqeicg
@twobitidiot Interesting theory. My asks are waiting.
RT @lightning: Today we’re excited to announce the first ever Lightning cross-chain swap from Bitcoin to Litecoin!âš¡ï¸â›”ï¸ðŸ’±
Check out the cod…
@Michael_Toth It’s possible but kludgy; you may not know when you’ll want to spend in the future. You’d have to be… https://t.co/zl4OIbNKQK
Don’t talk about your crypto assets unless you’re prepared to defend yourself. Owners are juicy targets due to the… https://t.co/oTlqGkg4bJ
@SimplyBarter @twobitidiot @jratcliff @Joi @Rococo44 @bergealex4 @CharlieShrem @VinnyLingham @ConsenSys @tdryja… https://t.co/GwEEl7R8pz
@datarade @el33th4xor @adam3us @ummjackson @martindale BTC: Targets low cost of full validation at expense of high… https://t.co/qA3E7dSoZv
@datarade @el33th4xor @adam3us @ummjackson @martindale I’ve got your conclusion right here: https://t.co/G7icKPcZQm
@emilepetrone @blockstack One of the few non-scammy ICOs in the world 😀
@moonsh0t_crypt0 (Assuming you mean you’re running the bitcoin node in tor only mode.)
@moonsh0t_crypt0 Definitely more effective.
@trippysalmon Planning on adding @BitcoinClashic support soon?
@moonsh0t_crypt0 Bitcoin traffic is unencrypted so sure, someone could “sniff it” but that’s not a security concern… https://t.co/Jjhz19dMGu
@moonsh0t_crypt0 “bitcoind -listen=0” you mean? By default every node creates 8 outgoing connections. That option j… https://t.co/z66UJGRLDk
@hcarpach @bitcoincoreorg @_jonasschnelli_ @adam3us @TheBlueMatt @LukeDashjr @petertoddbtc @morcosa I’ve never hear… https://t.co/slKZwsc02u
@twobitidiot @jratcliff @Joi @Rococo44 @bergealex4 @CharlieShrem @VinnyLingham @ConsenSys @tdryja @neha @roasbeef… https://t.co/i7ZbvXF96W
Keep tweeting; it’s working! 😉 https://t.co/Rtc41DLEpi https://t.co/yQILBKOw4d