Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.…
Time is a scarce resource.
Money is stored time.
Inflation siphons value from money.
Inflation is stealing your time.

lopp Entropy is your friend.
WhatBitcoinDid WBD541 - Who Needs Bitcoin? with Junseth (@verysmallclaims). We discuss:
- Leverage & the story of LTCM
Then when Amazon raises prices to compensate, she’ll say that they’re greedy.…
@BTCTugBoat @jeetsidhu_ Mostly skeet!
We’re in the “inflation is a bogeyman” phase of modern monetary theory. Inflation is our fault because we keep…Pc
@MaximumMaxi3 I was an early BitGo employee.
@billbarhydt It’s a head scratcher. Feels like they were looking for an out that would nullify the $100M penalty clause.
@kanzure Hoping for better luck next bull market!
Did I just get rugged as a second order effect of crypto credit contagion?…
“I can’t believe it’s not larva!”…

Dear everyone younger than 30: do the math. Make the miracle of compounding work in your favor.
@Arthur_van_Pelt Oof. I always wondered if the medical discharge was for mental health reasons.

The illusion of choice in a two party system.