The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 15th, 2022

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.…

via Twitter for Android

Time is a scarce resource.

Money is stored time.

Inflation siphons value from money.

Inflation is stealing your time.

via Twitter for Android

lopp Entropy is your friend.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:04 PM, Aug 15th, 2022 via Hypefury)

WhatBitcoinDid WBD541 - Who Needs Bitcoin? with Junseth (@verysmallclaims). We discuss:
- Leverage & the story of LTCM

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 11:33 AM, Aug 15th, 2022 via Twitter for Android)

Then when Amazon raises prices to compensate, she’ll say that they’re greedy.…

via Twitter for Android

We’re in the “inflation is a bogeyman” phase of modern monetary theory. Inflation is our fault because we keep…Pc

via Twitter for Android

@MaximumMaxi3 I was an early BitGo employee.

via Twitter for Android

@billbarhydt It’s a head scratcher. Feels like they were looking for an out that would nullify the $100M penalty clause.

via Twitter for Android in reply to billbarhydt

@kanzure Hoping for better luck next bull market!

via Twitter for Android in reply to kanzure

Did I just get rugged as a second order effect of crypto credit contagion?…

via Twitter for Android

“I can’t believe it’s not larva!”…

via Twitter for Android

Dear everyone younger than 30: do the math. Make the miracle of compounding work in your favor.

via Twitter for Android

@Arthur_van_Pelt Oof. I always wondered if the medical discharge was for mental health reasons.

via Twitter for Android

The illusion of choice in a two party system.

via Hypefury