If the nodes on your network are primarily institutions, you’re Decentralized In Name Only and will be forced to bend the knee.

lopp Hospital bill for delivering a baby + 1 week recuperation in 1956. pic.twitter.com/SwNj8vgBEQ
@esiattorney Generally bearish on normies caring about privacy.
@zBruh__ @the_batcoin Betamax was arguably superior technology to VHS…
I went to a (nearly dead) mall recently and all of the escalators were cordoned off because they were out of order…twitter.com/i/web/status/1…P7
@TheMoonCarl You appear to be confusing a distributed network that has no concept of its token’s exchange rate with..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…nV
@zBruh__ @the_batcoin I’ve used zcash since before they launched mainnet. How many zcash wallets have switched to u… https://t.co/OeJoP8b0im
@utxoONE In theory, but one cannot dismiss the power of defaults and user experience.
@0xNobi Maybe, but there are plenty of other properties that arguably make Bitcoin a better choice as a long-term i..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9z
If people actually cared about privacy then Monero would have a higher market value than dog tokens.
@adamkotsko When folks say you should listen to your gut… you might be the exception.
@internettipscom Yeah this is more of a dunk on his “you all read the algorithms?” question.
@AnonPleb1 It ought to contain at least some fiat.
Did you know that over 100 physical attacks have been perpetrated against Bitcoiners? You can learn more at this hi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bO