Word at the pub has it that @trianglebrewing will start canning their Habanero Pale Ale soon!
@flyosity When it becomes a more tantalizing investment than Bitcoin businesses
@flyosity I have little to fear. Will be making an announcement next week regarding my next Bitcoin move.
@flyosity Ooh, I haven’t had peach. But note that they left the really good stuff out - the barrage of stimulants.
KimDotcom My political party will activate non-voters, the youth, the Internet electorate. We are going to make politics exciting. More on January 20.
@matthew_d_green 16.3 GB in QT client for me
TIL about Cormorant fishing, a traditional Chinese form of fishing with trained birds. https://t.co/WWDdTuV6Gi
@johnjoseph We must honor @aaronsw by picking up where he left off.
RT @mikestable: @lopp points and bitcoin collide http://t.co/qlc2dVLuVN
@mikestable A logical progression, IMO. Why give people “points” that are limited in use when you can give Internet money?
kaepora Cryptocat for iPhone was just rejected from the Apple app store. NDA doesn’t allow me to discuss openly but reasons are truly illegitimate.