@RobWilllliams A duress password should open a real wallet that only has a tiny amount of value in it relative to your real wallet.
@bitcoin3000 Trezor, Ledger Nano S & eventually Blue, Samourai Wallet, maybe some other hardware wallets.
@CharlieShrem @BitcoinTrezor The @LedgerHQ Nano S does (nontrivial setup) and eventually the Blue will too. I think @SamouraiWallet as well.
Far too few bitcoin wallets support duress passwords. https://t.co/U2grvxGgTh
@giacomozucco Sounds good on the surface but let’s be realistic - they’ll just consolidate multiple regs into a single reg and call it a win
@Satoshi_N_ Doubtful it will be lowered; I’d be fine with as low as 75% for SFs just to prevent stubborn holdouts / laggards from blocking.
@Satoshi_N_ Not always… https://t.co/bST2qjmCpE
@Satoshi_N_ Except in reality, pressure goes away when people get frustrated and stop using the system.
@999BTC Not necessarily - it could simply plateau & end up an “S curve”
@TuurDemeester I’d classify this under “being more flexible about current lack of scalability” via probabilistic rating of unconfirmed txns.
@emilepetrone I’d go with @coindesk, @BitcoinMagazine, @CoinJournal
@999BTC The hashrate is a reflection of what bitcoin users are willing to pay to secure the system - it self-adjusts accordingly.

Holy hashrate hockystick! pic.twitter.com/LxfhKhrHTM
@btcdrak Looks like everybody got it wrong https://t.co/wwBM7Ixfdi