@RyanHurley2 @acinq_co You can expect the network to be scale-free in topology. Anyone who doesn’t think their node… https://t.co/uUzTwd9JLD
.@acinq_co’s testnet Lightning Network explorer currently showing 567 nodes with 1877 channels.… https://t.co/0FOFIAVa5W
@MZietzke @PeterRizun Yes, because I’ve experimented with it myself. It requires source code changes and recompilin… https://t.co/4gv3mXsW4P
@MZietzke @PeterRizun @Chris_Stewart_5 Yet another great use case for payment channels!
@MZietzke @PeterRizun Because a node by default only accepts 120 connections (if it’s set up to accept them, otherw… https://t.co/h8w6OgpQmd
@NotASithLord @PeterRizun A few notable works:
@PeterRizun @MZietzke @Chris_Stewart_5 It’s those pesky sovereign entities always getting in the way of efficient centralization!
@MZietzke @PeterRizun Not possible to know without identifying all of the miners and mapping out the actual network… https://t.co/ay1lxGjDY0
@ranakamoto @Bitcoin I said I could understand why some people see it that way - I also explained why whitepaper fu… https://t.co/QRW5xK8MGd
@itsokaytodance @PeterRizun I cover that in this article: https://t.co/iyBeseF8Ze
@MZietzke @Chris_Stewart_5 @PeterRizun How do you think the transactions get to the nodes operated by miners in the first place?
@PeterRizun I’ll take that as a “yes” because few users connect directly to miners - they need for their transactio… https://t.co/H1u4QpiEwU
@CowOperate They can’t simply copy it because they haven’t fixed transaction malleability and refuse to implement SegWit.
When it’s easy for the average Bitcoin user to make instant retail payments with sub-penny transaction fees via Lig… https://t.co/vQZ8o7cZUU
@twobitidiot Use Yubico Authenticator to keep your TOTP secrets secure on dedicated hardware https://t.co/OTFebGT0kz
I regret to inform you that the reputation of the @Bitcoin Twitter account is now questionable. Appears it was sold… https://t.co/AfWgdTtFlv
RT @nic__carter: Some thoughts on short-termism in cryptocurrency. It’s easy to fixate on the immediate, first-order effects while ignoring…
Bitcoin is not a business - the goal is not to maximize the ROI of investors. Most of us just want to increase the… https://t.co/4Jokoe6iIn
@masonic_tweets Link?
Wanted: user friendly (GUI) cross-operating system compatible implementation of Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme. Hig… https://t.co/qBUUiJGUfG
Crypto asset engineering is a multi-generation marathon.
Hares: those who expend all their resources on marketing.… https://t.co/HhEURYhk6r
@brazucany If you’re just grabbing the data from peer nodes, that’ subject to Sybil attacks. You’d want the data em… https://t.co/YdZkeHgsfK
@vega113t It’s pretty important if it hits infinity. This is the case for Ethereum nodes running on spinning disks, for example.
Metrics project I’d like to build or fund: initial sync times for crypto asset full nodes on different popular clas… https://t.co/grXPwVFoKe