The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 31st, 2018

@nvk I found the real Bitcoin Cash App and it’s incredibly user friendly!

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@diegogurpegui @SatoshiLite @aantonop @pwuille @LukeDashjr Weird how nobody ever thinks of the scaling issues with…

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@rogerkver Adversaries can’t perform on-chain analysis if your transactions aren’t on the chain…

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@StoicFrog No one has the authority to define Bitcoin’s purpose. This can be frustrating, but it’s part of the value proposition.

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@3ducat3d Sure, it’s pretty much guaranteed to go down as the ecosystem grows and becomes more diverse.

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@mariolive A patented, closed source system? No thank you.

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@3ducat3d Market share is an odd metric, especially considering that many of the systems included in the total mark…

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@thechanster Systems that have no authority / entity that can control how they operate or evolve.

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“Cryptocurrencies that are faster and have lower fees will dethrone Bitcoin!”
Folks have said this for years, but i…

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@TrenorKyle @eiaine Number of followers my account had at that point in time.

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Not seeing much stratification in my follower account age, so I guess most of you are real. Hooray! H/T @eiaine…

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