@CobraBitcoin There are many different types of markets. Markets can be anonymous…
@acityinohio @lightcoin @adam3us @MYOFFICES @ArminVanBitcoin Well, that’s @bendavenport’s reddit handle so I guess… https://t.co/xFUwCsUTgp

.@durtybull is on the cutting edge of brewing technology. ðŸpic.twitter.com/Wr095dXIYjIYj
@ksaitor Added you earlier today after this recommendation: https://t.co/R76P7FdlA7
Bitcoin is valuable because it allows you to store & transact value without trusting third parties. Institutional i… https://t.co/gJmliCF2SD
@KaptenUppenbar @lightning Looks like you need to update the Y axis title on most of the charts. For the distributi… https://t.co/X2EKTNPfBq
@parisbitcoin1 At the moment the most stable software appears to be LND, though note that it’s still risky and you… https://t.co/qpBM5R1l93
@brucefenton Bitnodes is open source; you can fork it and make it crawl other forks of Bitcoin. Non-Bitcoin descend… https://t.co/S4FDrEd6Ru
@patmillertime @RealBitFlip @NodedPodcast Committed 03084535804b3352de5039702cc8fa38fd6dddfe
@RealBitFlip Hmmmm the only one I’m aware of is cryptoconsortium.org

Added 2 new sections to my Bitcoin Resources at lopp.net/bitcoin.html - suggestions for additions are welcome! pic.twitter.com/snytzcuBb7
RT @BSafe_network: https://t.co/QEwxBpdYPk announces Call for Proposal and rules of Blockchain Layer 2 technology competition. See https:…
RT @KaptenUppenbar: Just launched my new website with lots of charts, histograms and statistics about the brave early adopters that are bee…
Lapps will be the next new crypto ecosystem to blossom. Kinda like Dapps, except scalable. https://t.co/OdnUKske3L
@thekyleduck Not quite safe enough yet; developers are still working out the kinks.
If you tell me to “stick to crypto” I won’t expend any effort to block or mute you, but I do promise to have a good… https://t.co/0HrGuajQmH
Are you ready to apply your skills toward improving the crypto ecosystem? Start searching here:… https://t.co/jOvBaMxFJm
America has done alright for the past year without a functional president; now let’s see how well it does without a functional government!