Before Bitcoin, and after.
H/T @CElston
@adam3us @50cent I’d like to see a collaboration between @50cent, @realytcracker, and @the88n8!
@devilscompiler You might be interested in this article I wrote that calculated some extremes:
@Danrocky Except it’s immensely difficult to spool up a new ISP. It’s relatively trivial to spool up additional LN nodes.
@Danrocky Nope.
@Ethan_Heilman I’m assuming that the 10K nodes make 116 incoming sockets available = 1,160,000 sockets
And each of…
@Danrocky Indeed I am. And hopefully it will incentivize more folks to run their own nodes.
@amredman The default config in node software is to enable listening. However, the problem tends to be that most fo…
If there are 10K listening Bitcoin nodes & 100K non-listening nodes online then there are ~280K sockets available.…
HODLing is a game of attrition. Those whose hands weaken leave the game with a slight profit or loss. Those who don…
@EmmanuelTodorov IOTA is amazingly bad. I find it hard to believe it’s valued at billions of dollars. I guess they…
Great explanation of how Bitcoin works in simple terms. Send this to your non-technical crypto-curious friends and…
@cryptochist I have a computer science degree. My C++ skills aren’t that great; I’m best at Java, NodeJS, and PHP.
@cryptochist I forked Bitcoin Core, started poking around, created Statoshi, and wrote about everything I learned t…