@adamsugihto coingecko.com/en has a multivariable “developer score” which may be of interest to you.
@ecurrencyhodler For users that have capped upstreams there sure can be. There’s more to upstream bandwidth usage t… https://t.co/4uDKWImuZ0
If you stopped running a Bitcoin node because it was using too much bandwidth, check out the “low bandwidth” predef… https://t.co/RPpZMiGkOp
@kim0raku @windsok You can limit the upstream usage of a node with the right config params. Check out my config gen… https://t.co/xycBWsM9Gr
@JacksonDMiller Check out one of my other projects, the Bitcoin Core Config Generator. You’ll be interested in the… https://t.co/4Hle2iTREi
@BrianLockhart My node is highly connected - most of the time all incoming connection slots are being used. You can… https://t.co/GNMZ4dLc7p
Average outgoing bandwidth usage of my https://t.co/CEIeZfITcp node in:
2014: 68 KB/S
2015: 126 KB/S
2016: 305 KB/S… https://t.co/ie8WYAklxj
How to ensure you learn more about a specific subject in 1 simple step:
1) Threaten your future self with public hu… https://t.co/EEks1GKQfk
@bravenewcore Channels are between two parties. Alice and Bob have a channel and Bob and Charlie have a channel, or… https://t.co/CU83rPMJ2p
@bravenewcore An on-chain settlement tx will only show observers how the balance of your local channel changed; it… https://t.co/FIwlC9LIC7
@federicobond Of course you can; how do you think we ended up with so many Bitcoin forks? Though the next question… https://t.co/xBbnFsvZ2b
@SatoshiLite Lightning Network is the real Bitcoin Cache is the real Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is crypto anarchy - each node operator chooses the rules to which they agree. Consensus emerges out of chao… https://t.co/41OO3RFAfk
RT @badcrypto: Today on The Bad #Crypto #Podcast - Professional #Cypherpunk @lopp joins us for a chat about #blockchain #bitcoin and #altco…
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King Jr.