The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 16th, 2018

@dotglum @earndotcom Looks like you have to navigate to and apply to join the ones relevant to you.

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@bbands He just realized he sold the bottom.

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RT @Blockstream: Introducing #LightningCharge, a new micropayment processing system that makes it easy to build apps on top of #Lightning.…

via Twitter for Android

@alexbosworth Turns out that Bitcoin is an ICO for a trustless low latency high volume payment network!

via Twitter for Android in reply to alexbosworth

@dotglum @earndotcom Have you made sure you’re in the right groups based upon your expertise?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to dotglum

@Adonissir_ @earndotcom I doubt you’ll be replacing a full time job any time soon, but I suspect my dollar per hour…

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@VinnyLingham ROFL this is the third iteration of this video - they keep pouring more money into the visual effects!

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@Adonissir_ @earndotcom Yeah, I can confirm it’s legit - been using for nearly a year myself and have withdrawn BTC.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Adonissir_

You know what’s better than buying BTC? Earning it! I earned $400 on @earndotcom last year just by answering questi…

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@emilepetrone I think what we really need is a full guide on all the knowledge required to “become a crypto develop…

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@erikfinman @TheSahilsays I recall reading a study a while back that showed the folks with the highest GPAs in coll…

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@alan8325 Depends upon your skillset and how much you’re willing to contribute. Going all-in => get a job in the in…

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Every minute your eyes are glued to a price chart is a minute of productivity you could be using to contribute and…

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This is what it’s like trying to time the markets. ‘Tis easier, safer, and less stressful to HODL.

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@CryptoKang You’re referring to their multisig smart contract. We don’t use that; we have our own multisig smart co…

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Parity 1.8.6 sync performance has noticeably improved; I’ve been able to do a full archival sync in 5 days on a bee…

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@ibrhmTanyalcin Ah yes, I received a message from you and responded but the email address you gave must have been w…

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Great interview with YeastPlume, one of the developers of the Grin project (an implementation of the MimbleWimble p…

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