The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 22nd, 2018

@ProfFaustus Thus far you have explained how to crawl the network for active nodes a la - n…

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@ProfFaustus There is no “addr_list” message in the protocol that returns a list of active connections for a node.…

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@ProfFaustus @VinnyLingham @alextenac You have provided nothing but misdirection and gibberish in an attempt to eva…

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@VinnyLingham @alextenac @ProfFaustus A technical rebuttal to what? No technical foundation has been provided for t…

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@ProfFaustus @iang_fc Nodes that don’t accept incoming connections still operate with 8 outbound connections and ar…

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@ProfFaustus @iang_fc Generally the person who asks a question first receives an answer before the counterparty res…

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@ProfFaustus @AlexPickard @iang_fc This paper appears to be about sniffing DNS traffic, but Bitcoin nodes don’t use…

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@ProfFaustus @iang_fc A “non-listening node” is a term often used to describe nodes that do not accept incoming con…

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@ProfFaustus @iang_fc This is a very odd (evasive) way of answering a pretty straightforward question.

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@ProfFaustus @iang_fc Yes, and? That doesn’t allow you to know what peers a given node is connected to. Take my nod…

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@crypt0e @bbands @btcWhaleclub @durtybull If you read historical literature you’ll note that it was originally two…

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@iang_fc @ProfFaustus You don’t know what configurations node operators are using. Even if they all used defaults,…

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@SupraBo_Here @TheNextWeb It was not a secret; it was done publicly. In fact, so publicly that the pull request was…

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@AWorldGoneNuts @net_nutter @RedPillRep @AriannaSimpson If you truly believe that, go find the back door in the (op…

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@TheNextWeb @VinnyLingham I’m the person who authored that pull request. I can assure you that I am not Bitcoin. Ne…

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@ProfFaustus @iang_fc Given that it’s not possible to query a Bitcoin node to determine what peers it’s connected t…

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Great thread. Bitcoin can only fail if we all agree to allow it to fail. This becomes less likely every day that th…

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RT @nntaleb: I just published “Bitcoin”

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