RT @niftynei: trying something new, 1:1 chats for new/aspiring @Core_LN devs
DanielPFlatley NEW: US sanctions have grown so numerous and complex that Treasury has created the position of “Chief Sanctions Eco..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Ks
lopp I stand upon the shoulders of giants and as such, invite you to stand upon mine. Use my work with or without attrib..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…QS
@DanDarkPill please like all of mine twice; i could sure use the extra engagement
@gladstein This is fine; the Chad move is to play along until such time as they issue you a fully automatic rifle.
yes i’m getting up and walking away from the computer in the middle of the meeting because calendar software devs h..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…zM
@flyosity naming things is hard
Spiral is a new Bitcoin block explorer that uses fully homomorphic encryption to guarantee the privacy of your bala..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Dt
@jbeardsley So they say, but I can’t figure the reasoning behind giving guns to prisoners and expecting everything to go smoothly.
Loophole for Russian citizens: if you don’t want to die on the front lines just say that you disagree with this war..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…u8
@NeerajKA my node has no issues determining which is the real bitcoin
@badcryptobitch Biased because I spent a decade writing PHP, but I still find myself writing most of my utility tools in PHP.
What topic would you like me to write about next?
@DanDarkPill I love it when folks put in the work to expand one of my 30 second tweets into a full length article.
@orionwl @Puri_sm I got that too; noob mistake to create a distribution list that allows anyone to post!
80+ crypto assets have the word “bitcoin” in their name.
14 have a market cap over $1,000,000.
3 claim to be Bitcoin.
1 is Bitcoin.