The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

September 6th, 2022


via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 3:57 PM, Sep 6th, 2022 via Hypefury)

@csuwildcat research suggests that people who engage in unprotected heterosexual intercourse are responsible for billions of future deaths

via Twitter Web App in reply to csuwildcat

“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it.…LB

via Twitter Web App

@YusimDaniel Indeed; I switched to Linux 20 years ago. I have 1 windows PC just for VR.

via Twitter Web App in reply to YusimDaniel

Pretty dumb that Windows won’t simply tell you that your motherboard doesn’t support the required Trusted…tt

via Twitter for Android

@danheld but what about soulbound tokens
are they sinful

via Twitter Web App in reply to danheld

@sobradob Yes, I average ~10 tweets per day, though I think that includes replies.

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@falconfifalcon It ain’t easy. My favorite thing is looking at the stats for my most popular viral tweets that…K5

via Twitter Web App in reply to falconfifalcon

Takeaways from analyzing my Twitter account metrics:

1. Biggest follower bump was May 2017 when my account was…TO

via Twitter Web App

@PeterMcCormack People keep quoting that tweet as if it means much. But I can’t help but notice it was made at the…

via Twitter Web App

@JessicaVaugn If folks aren’t willing to employ violence in response to being imprisoned in their own homes, why…fQ

via Twitter Web App in reply to JessicaVaugn

Standing upon the shoulders of those who had to solve problems the hard way!

via Twitter for Android

Contrary to popular belief, bitcoin is not anonymous. There are many ways you might leak information that can be…N5

via Hypefury

IRS: You owe us money

Me: How much?

IRS: You have to figure that out

Me: What if I pay too little?

IRS: We…E5

via Hypefury