@FractalEncrypt @level39 Difficulty adjustments only occur at heights that are multiples of 2016.
lopp My conclusions from extensive analysis performed on early Bitcoin blocks that fall into the Patoshi Pattern.
And another one… twitter.com/CoinDesk/statu…
@CoinDesk @davidzmorris I’ve yet to see evidence that Craig can code his way out of a paper bag, much less that he’s a computer scientist.
@danheld you can’t have fundamentalism without fun!
@Econ_Rockstar That would imply that Faketoshi can in any way harm my reputation. He is incapable of doing so.
@GlamourCock 2 possible reasons:
1. It gave them enough hashpower that they could ensure more consistent productio..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…hv
@michiel19 Feel free to right click and save the image from the blog post. twitter.com/lopp/status/97…
@koeppelmann Congrats, you nerd sniped me into doing the math. Here are the results. https://t.co/f2czoPh60S
@michiel19 something I generated with midjourney
My conclusions from extensive analysis performed on early Bitcoin blocks that fall into the Patoshi Pattern.
Long-form thought pieces go into far greater detail than you’ll find via other mediums. Quality blog posts expand o..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…O0

Dating can be tough when you have Bitcoin on the brain. pic.twitter.com/43wOGHgrHN