Bitcoin is far more than just sound money - it is the first trustworthy historical record. This property can be…T9
Europe’s asleep, post ‘Murica memes
@punk6529 @robustus Initial research shows that the first known burn addresses appeared on the blockchain in late…xy
lopp bitcoin vs “the next bitcoin”
@punk6529 @robustus I’m not sure that burn addresses had ever been discussed by the time Satoshi disappeared, and…CW
@7Lowe Only if you’re served by a 501(c)(3)
If tips are mandatory then they’re not tips, they’re taxes. Tips should be earned, not given as charitable donations.
It’s important to know (and demand) what you’re worth. But don’t forget to adjust for inflation & taxation.
Reminder: if you receive poor service (or no service at a takeout counter) then it’s perfectly acceptable to leave no tip whatsoever.
Not your keys, not your coins. Not your certificates, not your stocks.…
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.
- Karl Hess
Those who won’t fight for freedom will find themselves fighting for food.
@satsie Surely bitdevs is bitbaby friendly?
@Tamaraw_1971 For testnet? Not that I’m aware of - the few sites that charted it went offline years ago.
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