The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 2nd, 2017

@gwern Government enforced scarcity - some day I’ll auction my BITCOIN license plate for an absurd sum.

via Twitter for Android in reply to gwern

@k_schellinger @deadalnix @tklei Stability is relative; it’s a matter of perspective.

via Twitter for Android in reply to k_schellinger

naval Pity the constantly outraged, that illness is its own punishment. Those outraged that you aren’t outraged? Infected & looking to spread it.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:19 PM, Jul 2nd, 2017 via Twitter for Android)

RT @WeRateBitcoiner: Meet Andrew Poelstra. The Mathematician. Translated Mimblewimble to muggle speak. Shrunk 80GB Ƀlockchain to 1MB plus u…

via Twitter for Android

RT @martindale: Exciting day for an open-source effort of mine. Societies require liberty to succeed, yet technology is stifling our freedo…

via Twitter for Android

Proposal: if you lose your temper while debating protocol changes, you must deposit 1 BTC into a multisig swear jar.

via Twitter for Android

“The Benefits of Coopetition in Adversarial Environments.” An alternative perspective of the Bitcoin scaling debate.

via Twitter Web Client