The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 11th, 2017

muneeb Wall Street’s “Black Monday” (1987) had a drop of 22.61% and went down in history books. In crypto economy that’s called just a Monday.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:24 PM, Jul 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

lightcoin This looks like a nifty tool: “What is the effect of changing the bitcoin MAX_BLOCK_SIZE?” Props to Ian Coleman!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:22 PM, Jul 11th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

When Bitcoin is ready for larger blocks, the network will accept them. Frustrated folks are suffering from premature emergent consensus.

via Twitter Web Client

@richcollins @matthew_d_green Rule restrictions are backwards compatible (soft forks) while rule expansions are incompatible (hard forks.)

via Twitter for Android in reply to richcollins

@VessOnSecurity It /could/ be a non-event if BIP91 gains sufficient traction. Otherwise, we do it the hard way.

via Twitter for Android in reply to VessOnSecurity

@DavidShares @adam3us @jgarzik Poor choice of rhetoric - can’t have a coup unless there is an authority from which to wrest power.

via Twitter for Android in reply to DavidShares

@matthew_d_green A temporary split seems to be nearly guaranteed unless miners activate SegWit before the UASF flag…

via Twitter Web Client

@matthew_d_green Major difference: chain split is not guaranteed to be permanent. UASF chain could wipe out the leg…

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@AnonOnAMoose @matthew_d_green I’m comfortable making the broad claim that market value would be affected in SOME w…

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@matthew_d_green So yes it could cause a chain split, though ETH/ETC split was due to a rule expansion/hard fork as…

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@matthew_d_green It’s a group of entities who decide to restrict rules in a specific way & choose not to interact w…

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@matthew_d_green Still a single entity, but entity count has no impact upon their coordination. Though aggregate ec…

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@matthew_d_green Any entity who operates a fully validating node in order to receive transactions.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to matthew_d_green