muneeb Wall Street’s “Black Monday” (1987) had a drop of 22.61% and went down in history books. In crypto economy that’s called just a Monday.
lightcoin This looks like a nifty tool: “What is the effect of changing the bitcoin MAX_BLOCK_SIZE?” Props to Ian Coleman!
When Bitcoin is ready for larger blocks, the network will accept them. Frustrated folks are suffering from premature emergent consensus.
@richcollins @matthew_d_green Rule restrictions are backwards compatible (soft forks) while rule expansions are incompatible (hard forks.)
@VessOnSecurity It /could/ be a non-event if BIP91 gains sufficient traction. Otherwise, we do it the hard way.
@DavidShares @adam3us @jgarzik Poor choice of rhetoric - can’t have a coup unless there is an authority from which to wrest power.
@matthew_d_green Sure, @jimmysong has been writing some great articles.
@matthew_d_green A temporary split seems to be nearly guaranteed unless miners activate SegWit before the UASF flag…
@matthew_d_green Major difference: chain split is not guaranteed to be permanent. UASF chain could wipe out the leg…
@AnonOnAMoose @matthew_d_green I’m comfortable making the broad claim that market value would be affected in SOME w…
@matthew_d_green So yes it could cause a chain split, though ETH/ETC split was due to a rule expansion/hard fork as…
@matthew_d_green It’s a group of entities who decide to restrict rules in a specific way & choose not to interact w…
@matthew_d_green Still a single entity, but entity count has no impact upon their coordination. Though aggregate ec…
@matthew_d_green Any entity who operates a fully validating node in order to receive transactions.

When in doubt, zoom out.