The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 14th, 2017

@adam3us @moneytrigz The one with the most cumulative PoW; pretty much impossible for both to be the same.

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@adam3us @moneytrigz SPV has a different security model; it cedes consensus rules to miners and thus blindly follows PoW.

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@brianchoffman @adam3us @Excellion @_jonasschnelli_ @petertoddbtc You’re only a 3.5 hour drive from my range; come on down!

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@adam3us @moneytrigz Correct, though only one will be acceptable to your node.

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@Piotr14Tra @adam3us My reference was to “speaking from positions of authority” with regard to countering such authoritative claims.

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@Piotr14Tra @adam3us In my experience, some people will regardless of if they’re countered. Just look at Paycoin, O…

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@adam3us Communication is certainly key; it need not be argumentative. We can inform users & empower them to make their own decisions.

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@adam3us They can indeed hope, but too many of us are watching. The system is too transparent to fool the watchers.

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@adam3us Anyone is free to leave of their own accord; no one can drag the unwilling along with them.

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Net Neutrality is crony capitalism; claims “protection” from near monopolies w/a monopoly (govt.) We can do better; we can fix the Internet.

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@nitroXplicit @adam3us Stooping to the level of such people is an unnecessary waste of resources. Let them spew their vitriol into the void.

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@adam3us It’s about all debates turned toxic. A simple “no thank you” should suffice. 🙃

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@KLoaec A coin by any other name would smell as sweet.

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Drama instigators, reactionaries, and amplifiers waste our most valuable resource: time. It’s exactly what our comp…

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“If we change *foo* then it’s no longer Bitcoin!” No one has the authority to make such statements; you may only speak for yourself.

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@adam3us @moneytrigz A node that isn’t feeding you a version of history that hasn’t been shared with the rest of the world.

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@brianchoffman @adam3us @saifedean @arbedout @moneytrigz Pity the perpetually outraged, for they are trapped in a p…

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@brianchoffman @adam3us @saifedean @arbedout @moneytrigz IMO folks shouldn’t complain about github activity on othe…

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@arbedout @cguida6 @adam3us @moneytrigz If a bootstrapping node has insufficient peers, it queries all DNS seeds. I…

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RT @coindesk: Bitcoin and the Benefits of ‘Coopetition’ in Adversarial Environments

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@eumartinez20 @moneytrigz @adam3us Give me a break; this is open source - there is no “exposure” of things occurring in public.

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@adam3us @moneytrigz Bitcoin’s security model only requires that a bootstrapping peer manages to connect to a singl…

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@adam3us @moneytrigz More seeds are better than fewer seeds.

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@moneytrigz @adam3us Calm down; it was just a PR and wasn’t merged. Superceded by

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@LaurentMT Maybe it’s Craig’s turing complete automaton that died due to rising fees 🙄

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