The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

July 27th, 2017

@GeorgeAHallam @iurimatias @TuurDemeester @pierre_rochard To be clear, datadir on a fully validating archival node…

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Crypto traders reacting to the lack of a unified ticker symbol for Bitcoin Cash.

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@jaredsc Same. Though a lot of folks are finding out the hard way that privacy isn’t as strong as they thought.

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@Brandonruck You should ask on - they’ll probably tell you to upgrade your software and re-sync.

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Who determines the consensus rules that decide what is required to be a miner? 🤔 H/T @alexbosworth…

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According to Ethernodes the Ethereum node count has dropped by 29% in the past month. Coincidence? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯…

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@ssoeborg @south_crusher I’m not sure orphans are as big of a concern since Ethereum still pays miners for uncles.

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@hughlang @JonPSpitz It will be interesting to observe relationship b/t resource usage & node count; are you aware…

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@AlistairJTweed Depends on if resource consumption of full nodes outpaces technological growth.

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An ICO “hype-athon” with a fidget spinner logo. Apparently this is a thing now.

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@_drgo @TuurDemeester @pierre_rochard I’m not sure if there is a config that both fully validates and prunes unnecessary states.

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@AlistairJTweed It’s primarily about validating the entire history of the blockchain. Check out

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Cryptography is two-faced: it can create strong privacy or it can create strong identification. It can make us anonymous or track every txn.

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@seweso I was able to duplicate this usage myself by running parity with warp disabled.

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@seweso Probably state trees and DB indices if I had to guess - note that the Bitcoin install has full tx indexing enabled.

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@AlistairJTweed Yes, you can save a lot of space by accepting a less robust security model.

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@south_crusher Ethereum miners can increase their effective block size as they see fit, so I’d bet that the growth…

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For the past 3 days Ethereum’s blockchain has grown 2 GB per day - 14 times faster than Bitcoin’s blockchain.…

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