@rsg @siong1987 @kyletorpey You are free to leave the existing version of the protocol at any time with anyone whom… https://t.co/VBo47ESZke
It’s the technical community’s duty to stop Bitcoin’s SPV virus from spreading further. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
@hudsonjameson With added Proof-of-@VitalikButerin bonus!
RT @alistairmilne: We’ve had our first BIP 91 block!
#bitcoin #segwit
When you’re waiting for the posturing, bluffing, & scaling stalling to cease so that we can start the moon launch. pic.twitter.com/mU3Kwt8Z0f
@alansilbert In this case, sure. But since we can’t know the reasons for people aligning in certain ways, it’s real… https://t.co/PJQbl96wEK
@alansilbert So you’re giving in to temptation… https://t.co/7MC1gYKixc
@bitstein @bendavenport @alansilbert Exactly; ignore fraudsters rather than engaging them or giving them more visibility.
@uberpatzer Of course!
@jgarzik @ryanxcharles Indeed, and it’s a feature of Bitcoin. On the flip side, no one has the power to stop anyone… https://t.co/rsHFnrBOhS
@ryanxcharles If you agree no one can take over the protocol then it seems like a waste of rhetoric to claim that a… https://t.co/zFG3CZJv48
@fahmyeu It was 10 packs for 3.50 so doesn’t seem too bad. I don’t recall exactly where it was in Amsterdam; at a s… https://t.co/XUvpss2UrO
Pondering the roots of value. pic.twitter.com/XJHx7B7snK
@ryanxcharles Claiming Blockstream “took over” Bitcoin is an insult to the numerous non-Blockstream people who help… https://t.co/nwhAi73l9K
@ryanxcharles Now you’re just being silly. pic.twitter.com/gBLgOQn6Fv
@Coinosphere @alansilbert If so, then no need for attack. Let them fork off, fail, and come crawling back.
@btc_joe @alansilbert I suspect they wouldn’t be /if/ he had not also convinced several respected figures to vouch… https://t.co/MtIpJVcIk6
@Coinosphere @JaEsf @UncleDiaz @coinbase @LukeDashjr I’m not particularly invested in it; the poll outcome will aff… https://t.co/Qj60ayPAAV
Takes an order of magnitude more energy to logically refute bullshit than to create it. Attacking the bullshitter is a tempting easier path.
@MediumSqueeze @bendavenport @alansilbert Nope, I’ve yet to see any of his claims substantiated to the point that I was convinced by them.
@MediumSqueeze @bendavenport @alansilbert Or dispassionate, perhaps. But this isn’t about Craig - this is more meta… https://t.co/y6nJZwXvfs
@JaEsf @UncleDiaz @coinbase @LukeDashjr Eh, anyone can vote in a Twitter poll - even non-crypto users. And anyone c… https://t.co/9RlG4cItNr
@JaEsf @UncleDiaz @coinbase @LukeDashjr It’s not possible to conduct a comprehensive scientific poll of the Bitcoin… https://t.co/8V8NvB09f6
@bendavenport @alansilbert I’ve no illusions that associating w/fraudsters can hurt reputation. My point is that co… https://t.co/dxLzFPRkCe
@JaEsf @UncleDiaz @coinbase @LukeDashjr I would, but then again I know how OAuth works. If you don’t want to partic… https://t.co/xz9BLJMrJL
@alansilbert You seem to be limiting your options for some reason; you can attack ideas without attacking people perpetuating them.
@JaEsf @UncleDiaz @coinbase @LukeDashjr The poll shows you all the data it will store before you submit; I found no… https://t.co/PESj3I8ta1
@seweso It shows you all of the data it will store before you decide whether or not to submit the poll. I reviewed… https://t.co/AwCeBJuN62
Still waiting for @coinbase, @btcecom, @krakenfx, @Poloniex, & many more to add support for withdrawing to M-prefix… https://t.co/XHEWS49tZs
@VinnyLingham I don’t think there is /any/ way to conduct a reliable / scientific poll of entire Bitcoin user base.… https://t.co/KUlU7zz8Br
@kate_sills @adam3us @coinbase Correct; they’ve already done the hard part via KYC checks.
@coin_artist To gather more data from yet another of many disparate sources.
@coin_artist No one claimed it’s a scientific poll. Nor will it have any effect upon governance.
@coin_artist No, it explicitly shows you what info gets stored.
A Sybil resistant Bitcoin scaling poll; requires a @coinbase account. Please participate! https://t.co/TiBxAGKaCP
Folks have overstated the significance of the role DNS seeds play in Bitcoin’s security model. Time for a refresher… https://t.co/BmnjYKTpN4
@AaronvanW @timberners_lee Maybe, but crony capitalism often has unintended consequences. I place no trust in the hands of lobbyists.
@AaronvanW @timberners_lee Mesh networks 🙂
It’s not a problem that will get solved overnight.
@hq83bnn9 @alansilbert Exactly; if you consider certain people to have destroyed their reputation, it’s best to move on.
@MrHodl @alansilbert And yet having a terrible reputation has no effect upon the validity of your arguments.
@desantis @MrHodl @alansilbert Oh, please. I don’t let the State make my reputation judgements for me. I can think… https://t.co/Epf1J2DkTq
@alansilbert Irrelevant; either the ideas are valid or they’re bogus.
@AaronvanW @timberners_lee Need to get rid of the gatekeepers; Internet access must become ubiquitous.
@timberners_lee @AaronvanW If we need to beg governments to “keep the internet open” then we’ve already failed.
@alansilbert Yes, they seem to be of similar mindsets. Don’t see how that’s noteworthy. Let’s focus on ideas rather than people.
Blood in the streets; capitulation is coming. When everyone’s screaming that crypto assets are dead, it’s the signa… https://t.co/S8LPrgtobi
@dotnethed My guess is that they’re trying to incentivize more people to use GDAX. More liquidity on GDAX is good for Coinbase’s brokerage.
@_drgo @jgarzik Yes, UTXO commitments are a neat idea. There has been discussion on the mailing list in past month or so. No BIP yet AFAIK.
@adam3us @el33th4xor @JorgeStolfi Whoa, I had no idea that Gmax is the master puppeteer of Bitcoin - that must requ… https://t.co/seHmuMifbU