@NickSzabo4 You know what they say: not your nukes, not your land!
Who needs med school when you’ve got virtual reality? https://t.co/6kwRKCsgDm
There are now 6 competing copyright claims to the Bitcoin whitepaper, including one by a “Satoshi Nakamoto” with a… https://t.co/hxim9ujgk1
@CharlieShrem Craig never registered a copyright for the code; I imagine that would be tough to do for MIT licensed… https://t.co/dNVovULrYC
RT @NeerajKA: Bitcoin becomes the Flag of Technology https://t.co/rJwCLgn3Rs
@port8333 If you’re already running a Bitcoin node, you might as well also run it on Tor - it doesn’t require much… https://t.co/Y1kn5zDj9J
@razrezzing @port8333 You can’t disprove that, but bitnodes recently fixed their Tor counting logic. https://t.co/atkpld7Sur
Great to see @port8333 improve their counting of Bitcoin nodes on Tor; now seeing 2,200 nodes rather than just 200.… https://t.co/Nd47mxKFKK
@nopara73 @nvk The Tor node count has been wrong for a very long time. https://t.co/atkpld7Sur