@cyber_hokie @ahcastor Give him a break, he hasn’t been sleeping well. https://t.co/1uM6Mz6jU6
@PeterMcCormack That’s why Casa’s fee selection screen displays fees in both satoshis and USD.
@godlovesrobots @btcdisciple @PrestonPysh @BrainHarrington @AMERICANHODL2 @matt_odell @GoingParabolic @CryptoEuclid… https://t.co/dEmOAI8aJV
@NeerajKA That’s because https://t.co/LuQJek5dGG
@coinbeastmedia @pierre_rochard That’s a lotta coffee.
Bitcoin skeptics spent a decade fantasizing about banks and governments attacking Bitcoin. Few considered that Bitc… https://t.co/61U6INflh8
@SupremeRandall If we figure out how to duplicate a consciousness then I’d consider my “self” to be akin to a code… https://t.co/paHY083Fl4
@qertoip High on life with a heavy helping of #cryptocore https://t.co/qd90fGwapL
Ain’t nobody raising hundreds of millions of dollars to buy your favorite shitcoin.
@SupremeRandall There is certainly a philosophical component.
The final frontier of freedom will be decentralization of consciousness. This will free us from entities that wield… https://t.co/24bMzfc9il
@jespow I can spare about tree fiddy
Fortune favors the gigachad.
@murchandamus is that bech32 or bech33 tho
Y’all better hurry. I don’t think he’s slowing down, folks. https://t.co/yPbnrL47vX
Every software wallet should support SegWit.
Every hardware wallet should support PSBT.
RT @CasaHODL: 🗞 What’s holding #Bitcoin back from mass adoption?
Read our CEO @Nneuman’s latest piece in @BitcoinMagazine about UX design…
@pointsixonefive IMO trying to pay on a granular level for each contribution, be it code / testing / review, poses… https://t.co/0IJiaSeLze
@BitcoinHal @SGBarbour @bitcoinbrink Thus far all of my donations are individual dev sponsorships, though I intend… https://t.co/nTZIiPR7aE
@SGBarbour Perhaps, though donations are generally “no strings attached” so they can be made or pulled for any reas… https://t.co/x87Nl2z6D5
@shamoons Sponsor individual devs via https://t.co/GhSf4yqjLv
@OrangeSwell I prefer github sponsorship because it makes recurring monthly payments simple. bitcoindevlist.com
I’m tithing 15% of my salary to open source Bitcoin development; if you have been blessed as a hodler I urge you to… https://t.co/NQRc83668d
@GoingParabolic What I said was true. Can’t vouch for if the quoted tweet is true.
This is the line at which you bear arms. https://t.co/0CsqG9f17N

Them: “You don’t need guns, we’ll keep you safe.”
Me: “Weapons are part of my religion.” pic.twitter.com/u40MRXgBqn