@BarrySilbert @PeterSchiff @CNBC C-C-C-C-COPE BREAKER!
RT @CasaHODL: 🎉 Today is #GivingTuesday!
To celebrate, Casa is donating 25% of all today’s sales to @HRF’s #Bitcoin Dev Fund.
Sign up f…
It’s borderline criminal negligence that many bitcoin custodians still expose their users to sim swapping attacks.
@Mandrik @Alessandrohodl Nah, each round counts as freedom.
I own fewer material possessions today than I did when I had a negative net worth. I found my happiness in freedom.
@AdamLocklin @brucefenton While it’s not my domain of expertise, I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s no small… https://t.co/2Dug0hc3HJ
@AdamLocklin @brucefenton Who, me? I believe diversity makes any organization stronger. I can also hold the belief… https://t.co/W29nGI03MQ
@NOWPayments_io I feel like we should get clarification from @pierre_rochard if donating bitcoin to developers is a pious act.
@brucefenton Oh it’s OK, you can just write a letter explaining why the policy is ridiculous and you refuse to comply.
I love receiving developer sponsorship updates. A common theme across them is “I didn’t think anyone cared if I wor… https://t.co/GhHKaa20XA
When the Satoshi cruise ship goes down it will become the greatest boating accident of all time. Reserve your cabin… https://t.co/f963E0t2Wo
@nic__carter He clearly thinks identity must be bestowed by government authority.
@BrianLockhart Lel nobody’s sleeping tonight
Being right is more satisfying than being rich. If I had a bitcoin for every time I’ve been called an idiot, I’d be… https://t.co/wPdrngi5E4