@Transition75 Nothing. https://t.co/AFr8p4sZC9
RT @bradmillscan: Episode 28 of #MagicInternetMoney with Professional Cypherpunk â¦@loppâ© from â¦@CasaHODLâ© is out ðŸ™
As rampant $ printing i…
“Self hosted wallet” is a nonsensical term that I won’t be using.
Q: “Are you worried about self custody wallets being banned?”
A: “That’s complicated way of asking if I’m worried a… https://t.co/vSma81a82A
The Ledger leak phishers are now phishing for Trezor users pic.twitter.com/qATk51tqo6
Whenever I see a USB port in public: pic.twitter.com/g1kv0MlDVQ