I know you don’t get it when you talk about the potential future price of bitcoin in fiat terms as if that will mean anything.

Don’t stare at the price charts for too long, folks. pic.twitter.com/qrDGN8i2R6
@mikiemeatsweats Not gonna happen in your lifetime https://t.co/zUqPLa27Ym
Casa is doing a giveaway!
Cost: Several hours of your time.
Prize: 100% of registrants receive valuable knowledge.… https://t.co/mEB1dKGBRF
@mikiemeatsweats Not great!
“Hey folks, we just bought a billion dollars worth of bitcoin and our extensive analysis shows that it’s worth 20X… https://t.co/qybAa2oMZf
@jcarlgohn Not test their backups and have an issue with the backup.
Forget a 25th seed phrase password.
Have too m… https://t.co/rISk2atntk
@BitcoinGoUp Most of my recoveries are for new Casa clients who want to deposit into Casa. But with enough freedom,… https://t.co/siX9LWoptc
@CryptoGucciGG I’ve got a few other tools listed at https://t.co/W0CyDRET5I but if all else fails, contact the pros… https://t.co/oPLryWv803
@hodlerforlife There is a variety of other wallet software that you can hook it up to such as Electrum and Specter.
20 years ago I was doing tech support for hospital staff, fixing desktops so that they could get back to helping pa… https://t.co/FuNNmJQEN6
“Why didn’t you buy bitcoin in 2020 even though you had the opportunity, grandpa?”
“I… I thought it was too expensive.”
RT @CasaHODL: 🔢 Announcing Keyfest 2021 🎉
🔠Join the brightest minds in Bitcoin for conversations and workshops on building a future where…
RT @michael_saylor: #Bitcoin is the world’s best treasury reserve asset & the emerging dominant monetary network. It is the solution to th…
@jfnewbery Can I get a chart with some triangles
“Analysts are still trying to figure out how to value bitcoin.”
Yeah, because there’s no established algorithm for… https://t.co/vKPqNt64Fj
This is the part where precoiners realize #Bitcoin did not, in fact, die in 2018. And they’ll have to start questio… https://t.co/dMrBy5Jxay
@oscpacey Wat. Really?
Folks are doing “bitcoin giveaways” in return for follows / retweets. This activity is:
1. Pathetic fakefluencing… https://t.co/947VnBhZ1A
@TheShadowfresh @CasaHODL Nope, we’re completely focused on self custody for the forseeable future.
RT @CasaHODL: Secure your $20k BTC like it’s $200k BTC.

OK, back to building. There is still much work to be done. pic.twitter.com/6r8PuBBy6r
Gigachad 2 has entered the game. https://t.co/KxY8dWVinF

It’s on like Donkey Kong pic.twitter.com/avdEI2Tya8
Starting to suspect that none of the politicians in California bothered to read The Sovereign Individual.
A mere 2 months ago you could get 10,000 sats for a buck.
Today that will barely buy you 5,000 sats.
Don’t buy dollars, they’re gonna crash!
@orweinberger @UserVoice @hodlrswiss Ah yes I just came across it last week but forgot to order one. Will add to the list.
Feels like the big boys are afraid to market buy us over $20K because they know they’ll have lost the opportunity for cheap sats.
@orweinberger @UserVoice No, because I test every device I come across.