@BlockProspects Drop-in full auto sear for an AR-15
Taken through TSA just to drive the point home. https://t.co/R1hr28uDh1
@ziggamon Haven’t seen many fee complaints yet 😇
@ziggamon When enough users complain about fees, we’ll just direct them to better wallets.
@ziggamon The incentive is coming, as you’re well aware 😬
LOL if the US Treasury thought Bitcoiners were gonna let bullshit slide because it’s the holidays. Your fellow auth… https://t.co/YWkUsFdYTX
@jerrybrito @realDannyNelson Surely a hash shall suffice as identity 😂
FinCEN estimates that, as of November 2020, 365 out of 10,907 financial institutions engage in cryptocurrency transactions.

No, literally nobody calls them unhosted wallets. Fuck your government propaganda. pic.twitter.com/fje0HAB6Tv
I lost trillions of dollars last year that I failed to extort from folks. https://t.co/SjtBscfhHC
How do I cancel my annual government subscription https://t.co/i6zZscVA8W
Have fun staying screwed by central banks! https://t.co/w04K8idUlP

Dev14e The difference between WhatsApp and Signal (both end-to-end encrypted) in the new App Store privacy section is stark pic.twitter.com/UWh79OutpP
Dollars melting down to 4,400 sats per. https://t.co/1PeEjX4ROd
@CynthiaMLummis Ma’am, “self hosted wallet” is a nonsensical term that is simply government propaganda. I suggest y… https://t.co/tGCpyyybPn
Proceeding per the plan. https://t.co/dmpFOXCvcj
Recently had someone ask if I was worried about losing lots of employees when Bitcoin makes them financially indepe… https://t.co/l1Qp0WYz32
@thestringpuller LOL if by “corporate Bitcoin” you mean the companies that are straddling the legacy system.
If you don’t understand the difference between owning bitcoin and merely having financial exposure to bitcoin, you… https://t.co/Zz9xS5oPHH
Bitcoin doesn’t care if you’re a pleb or an institutional investor.
But if you try to change the rules of the syst… https://t.co/3zUiyq31ci
It’s not about the money.
It’s about the power.
RT @marttimalmi: I’d be a *billionaire* now if I hadn’t sold the 55,000 bitcoins I mined on my laptop in 2009-2010 way too early (mostly be…
@CoinDesk @ciphertrace @IanAllison123 Stop saying self hosted wallets, it’s a bullshit term.