@nvk I don’t know what you’re referring to but I assume this is an appropriate response. pic.twitter.com/N96Yxje3Lh
Christmas dinner at the Schiff household https://t.co/13iBOfbqMc https://t.co/ODUZWY09MR
@masonic_tweets something something five cents
Bitcoin balances on exchanges (this is a difficult metric to pin down precisely) appear to have dropped precipitous… https://t.co/8m4l9RIGPt
@prettyboytizzy_ @wullon Twitter enterprise API

28 million tweets containing the word “bitcoin” were posted in 2020 - an increase of 29% over 2019.
H/T @wullon pic.twitter.com/uTC5QuGhid
You can see the market for bitcoin block space coming back to life from this year’s historical fee rate estimates.… https://t.co/NkvWf242Gm
@StopAndDecrypt Sure, updated.
@EconomicPilgrim @Decentralife_ @mskvsk @chicag000 No, this is a misinterpretation. Patoshi did not mine blocks at… https://t.co/BWq5Ug9l4U
@TerryWitterBTC Yes, if you just started right now with 100% of hashpower then you might never catch up. But there… https://t.co/7qtmjAmJ2w
Then we’re all idiots who deserve to get rekt. https://t.co/zdyM85Hk9p
Lightning Network density decreased throughout 2020 while cut channels increased from 32% to 42%. Seems like too sp… https://t.co/PobXY9iB48
@fluffypony When I asked this recently some folks said the solution was reinsurers. 😂 https://t.co/wR0jhM1ktA
@BrianLockhart Looks like premium dropped to 22%
@dancrypted I’m not aware of any off the top of my head; it would be speculative.
During 2020:
# advertised Lightning Network channels â¬†ï¸ 5% to 38,000.
Bitcoin in those channels â¬†ï¸ 22% to 1,060 BTC… https://t.co/5ZzdfjIByH
@BitcoinCurious Adjusted means using heuristics to try to determine which transaction outputs are “change” being re… https://t.co/QRAP92vHGc
Revenue collected via transaction fees by bitcoin miners has increased from under $100k / day to $2M+ per day in 20… https://t.co/JClMNMUwtR
Daily bitcoin transaction outputs trended up slightly throughout 2020. https://t.co/9f6shMikYh https://t.co/QacUkgjeN7
On-chain transfer volume in bitcoin terms remained even flatter in 2020 than in 2019; the notable exception being B… https://t.co/tXkPaUF6Jd
Bitcoin daily on-chain value transferred hit $20B, on par with the summer 2019 top.
Meanwhile daily adjusted on-ch… https://t.co/yPIXE0X5CX
@crypt0bloc Indeed; it should be obvious that they are not arguments. Rather, they tend to be the conclusion of an… https://t.co/WhBpSpiMUM
@KoroushAK Sure
The only stupid question is the one you didn’t ask.
@qertoip @mflaxman @matt_odell A buggy pubkey sorter wouldn’t be the end of the world but it would probably necessi… https://t.co/MTj9hkVNdH
@qertoip @mflaxman @matt_odell It’s a standard rather than a protocol requirement, yes.
@PeterMcCormack I counted recently. It was nearly one DeFi disaster per week in 2020.
@qertoip @mflaxman @matt_odell Pubkeys should be lexigraphically ordered in redeem scripts. It would be insanity, otherwise.
These memes are not exclusionary. Rather, they are ways of noting that the recipient is voluntarily excluding their… https://t.co/vd63Ei499H