@NeerajKA Stopping clogging the blockchain with test transactions, ya filthy casuals!
Aren’t you the boomer who lost the password to the wallet in which you received free bitcoin? https://t.co/w66ZleJT2J
@jonnylangefeld @LukeDashjr @francispouliot_ Node counts and 51% attacks have no relationship.
RT @bendavenport: Bitcoin is a game of musical chairs where you can be enticed to give up your chair for increasing numbers of pieces of co…
… you’d have sold, spent, or lost it all by now.
@willcole You will encounter issues signing transactions that spend higher numbers of inputs. https://t.co/geY5OpQLOH
@willcole I regret to inform you that you’re gonna have a bad time.
@jimmysong No sir, I no longer have feelings.
I am comfortably numb.
@BrianLockhart @DanDarkPill It’s too early.
Not your keys, not “Fuck You Money.”
Not your keys, “Fuck Me Money.”
The Bitcoin meme stack:
Lightning Payments
Number Go Up
––––––––—… https://t.co/kxUFAvEJU8
@Douglas_Horn Definitely!
@Blanksynthetics lel, we’d better throw all of the operating system developers in prison for enabling computer crime!
I’m sure that someone somewhere is committing crimes with code I created. Does that make me a culpable criminal conspirator?
Are you tired of winning yet? If so, too bad… we have barely begun.
#Bitcoin is made of memes.
“NgU technology” is a shallow narrative.
“FU technology” speaks to the fundamentals.
RT @Bitcoin: The 50 #Bitcoin blocks from early miners are worth $1m+ so the number of Bitcoin millionaire addresses has skyrocketed. @glass…
The year is 2050.
99.9% of all bitcoin has been mined.
The overwhelming majority of humans store some value in BTC.… https://t.co/BtgHm8jEsM

Impressive, Google!
It’s true - I laugh in MÄoripic.twitter.com/DlKtWystHpp
@NeerajKA People with billions of dollars don’t want to invest in networks that support anarchists.
But they will.
@Mandrik Vote manipulation claims at an ATH
@Davidthagnome @btcWhaleclub Yes, the fiat whales are selling.
@btcWhaleclub I expect it to continue as long as there is any significant volatility.
Buttcoin twitter is not having a good week. They really need a price correction or legal enforcement action in orde… https://t.co/0haGeCQVlD
There is a long history, predating Bitcoin, of what must happen to folks like yourself. https://t.co/FUn0hMxivy https://t.co/6V4j7jvBgF
Then I will be a financial institution, as no one’s getting my bitcoin. https://t.co/64eaMo1DBR
@colopy I hear they’re a great store of value!
@twobitidiot Many OGs came to Bitcoin for freedom, not fame and fortune.
When you choose poorly for your corporate treasury… R E K T
The company that raised $4B to build EOS holds more bitcoin than the entire market cap of EOS?
That speaks volumes.