@jamesob Yeah, come to think of it, this will be confusing to laymen.

‘Member this? pic.twitter.com/lfhpmMY4K6
RT @aantonop: Victims of the #ledgerhack are scared because many of their home addresses are part of the leak. In this video we discuss wha…
This isn’t a crash, it’s the shitcoin toilet being flushed.
Happy HODLdays!
@nic__carter From The Block’s annual report. I suspect you know where I stand. https://t.co/f7Iy89gJYw
@CovWayne @shiranbrodt Venture Capital is traditional VC firms investing in companies. Not ICOs or other styles of democratized fundraising.
RT @CasaHODL: Looking for the best way to start your #HODLday break?
Check out #DigitalGold w/ @jpbaric where @lopp discusses how he beca…
Crypto industry venture capital funding:
2012: $23M
2013: $120M
2014: $368M
2015: $850M
2016: $850M
2017: $1,200M
2… https://t.co/Wt01ojTNF6
RT @CoinDesk: IN DEPTH: Lesson of the @ledger leak? “Don’t collect what you can’t protect — personal information should be treated like tox…
@crypto_bobby @HectorRosekrans Who needs Chinese loan sharks when you can go full DeFi degen?

Countries with the most relative search interest for Bitcoin remained unchanged between 2019 and 2020. pic.twitter.com/gRyKhU573c
@KoroushAK > We all lose here.
In an adversarial environment, the strongest survive. Welcome to natural selection.
In order to vote on a bill in Congress you should have to pass a test that proves you read the bill in its entirety.
RT @CasaHODL: 🔱We get a lot of compliments on our UX design, and we love when that happens, but there’s a deeper meaning to our drive for a…
@0x72657562656e Detractors claiming that it was a bubble / ponzi that was going to collapse.

Q: What’s the single most effective thing I can do to improve my physical security?
A: Adopt a dog. pic.twitter.com/bLFPjq576y
RIP Bitcoin Obituaries:
2010: 1
2011: 6
2012: 1
2013: 17
2014: 29
2015: 39
2016: 28
2017: 124
2018: 93
2019: 41
202… https://t.co/xWlXhpviL1
“Every day that goes by and Bitcoin hasn’t collapsed due to legal or technical problems, that brings new informatio… https://t.co/ZPyZOFRgPz
@StarowiczAdam @Mangan150 @primalpoly Well the fundamental problem is that your physical body is a single point of… https://t.co/HPZPFx9Qdm
@bitcoinisation Technically a govt could sue bitcoin in terms of what they do with civil asset forfeiture, but they… https://t.co/cF3nYXXeaA
@Bobbb408 Found the XRP bagholder 💆
@LukeDashjr Uh, don’t you have 54 sponsors on github? https://t.co/BoJ5WBhTVt
Centralized shitcoins are lawyer magnets.
Shitcoin issuers get sued.
Bitcoin never gets sued.
@Mangan150 @primalpoly Yes? We advise clients on how to achieve nation state resistance. Of course, it requires work.
My new favorite developer sponsorship updates are the ones that say “please cancel your sponsorship as I have recei… https://t.co/yDrMAQZn1I
@inb4trills @JonRiceCrypto @WhalePanda It will take you to a web site that is a clone of Ripple’s site and will gui… https://t.co/Of03AQkW3d
@JonRiceCrypto @WhalePanda It’s interesting because there’s no reason they couldn’t do the exact same thing for any… https://t.co/xRWUt5W9vX
@WhalePanda This one is a particularly sophisticated scam that has an in-browser Ledger integration that will craft… https://t.co/zmU4nUrdzl
If you traded your precious bitcoin away for a centralized shitcoin, slap yourself.
@stephenarees @goonies_say Statists can’t comprehend that many of us opt out of the game.
Trump just pardoned a cadre of corrupt politicians? Shocking! https://t.co/F0gounDAkw