The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 19th, 2016

@mryanbrown @socrates1024 @phonikg It can’t be that bad - there are so many of them! 😏

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@ollekullberg @twitter Unfortunately my articles tend to end up over 10 pages, so I can’t write that many of them…

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“Have fun trying to write 140 character statements that aren’t open to misinterpretation!” - @twitter

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@kristovatlas @oxt_btc Consider switching to satoshis / byte for readability?

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oxt_btc Do you pay too much for your small transactions ?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:03 PM, May 19th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

We’ll know fee rate calculations are fixed when bytes chart spikes don’t correspond to fee / byte chart crevasses:

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If @projectfi would just adapt @gmail’s spam filter into its voicemail system, it would be a real time saver. I’ll happily report VM spam…

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If you liked it then you shoulda put an alert on it.

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@kristovatlas Or spell checking in general? Seems like I make a lot of PRs just to fix spelling mistakes…

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@acityinohio For those special occasions when you’re counting atoms or extrapolating a series until the heat death of the universe.

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Fun fact: Ethereum Virtual Machine uses 256bit integers & requires 256bit arithmetic. Most CPUs are <= 64 bits.

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@kristovatlas I’m thinking if users want the freedom to make dangerous decisions, they should have to acknowledge that they do so knowingly.

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@kristovatlas Yeah, there was one who set the fee to 0 long ago and then forgot about it. I think extra safeguards when sending could help.

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Wallets should check their default settings. @ElectrumWallet has supported dynamic fees for 9 months - why isn’t it enabled by default?!?

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I recommend wallets stop allowing users to shoot themselves in the foot by overriding recommended fees and spending unconfirmed outputs.

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