Bitcoin unicorns:
*Theymos’ million dollar Bitcointalk Forum
*A conclusion to MTGOX
*Winklevoss ETF
*Trustless 2-way sidechain pegging
@super3 @storjproject Nice @grafana dashboard - is it public?
@coolbearcjs @oxt_btc Well, @ofnumbers referenced it & we were speculating the TX might be Liquid. I think it’s not.
@orweinberger @oxt_btc Click on the squiggly line next to the tx id to get to the visualizer:
Traced 100K BTC 3-of-6 multi-sig txn w/@oxt_btc. Found deposits to @AsiaBitcoin & @huobicom

Chrome thinks the blockchain is Danish; perhaps another Satoshi clueâ€

NinjaEconomics After Trump was named presumptive nominee last night, Google search “Libertarian Party” skyrocketed h/t @TaylorEgly.
@DigiEconomist I doubt it’s a big deal given that it’s relatively inexpensive to run a node or two if you’re running a mining pool.
“If they aren’t laughing at you, you aren’t working on the right things.” - @fredwilson
The reaction we’re seeing to the ChainAnchor project is the Bitcoin ecosystem’s antibodies being deployed against a perceived threat.