@ryaneshea It was not the takeover I had planned, but it seems fitting. Keep Bitcoin weird!
Found several gems in the Bitcoin Core Zurich meeting notes: https://t.co/6kWbIO899r https://t.co/I3s4YmBx9y

Apparently /r/bitcoin is becoming a self referencing Twitter aggregator… pic.twitter.com/xYkL89AdIA
@bitstein @pierre_rochard @kurteichenwald That’s tough; I went with $147 because it was the highest price listed in the article.
#ThrowbackThursday: @kurteichenwald warns readers not to buy BTC @ ridiculous price of $147. https://t.co/FKxCjth1md https://t.co/WwOvgTqfMc
@AustenAllred I’m on a dozen teams and Slack sometimes eats up 4 GB of RAM. It dedicates 200MB to cache media content on each channel!
More evidence that supports Morris’ 3 golden rules of computer security. https://t.co/B5wgzUmyOs https://t.co/c7wyjG6hJA
Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 151: Peer-to-Peer Communication Encryption by @_jonasschnelli_ https://t.co/8y04ZwjrTQ
As technological innovation continues to accelerate, bureaucracy crushes government under its own weight. https://t.co/EnP73OnQrM