The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 31st, 2016

Today’s “super long” 96 minute block collected 1.1 BTC in transaction fees, slightly more than double nearby blocks.

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Bitcoin never sleeps. $GBTC sleeps over two thirds of its life away. Must be agonizing for pure cryptocurrency traders.

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Makes you wonder if popularity contests are a poor consensus algorithm for handing someone nuclear launch codes.

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@rextar4444 @kyletorpey Sounds like you are suggesting blacklists, which would kill bitcoin’s fungibility. Never going to happen.

via Twitter for Android in reply to rextar4444

@flyosity ha I just saw one IRL. She couldn’t even use a matching font for her first name…

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@minajati @TuurDemeester close, but I was hoping for a percentage premium. Also, isn’t GBTC == 0.09 BTC supposedly?

via Twitter for Android in reply to minajati

@TuurDemeester Anywhere I can bookmark a chart that shows GBTC premium over BTC?

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@fluffyponyza @kristovatlas That certainly raised red flags, but it sounds like the blockchain evidence is what sealed their fates.

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@drwasho can you confirm that this is how you go fishing in Australia?

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If you perpetrate a huge bitcoin heist, smart thing to do is sit on the coins & wait for better privacy features.

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oocBlog network “Empty” blocks down 80% since
Jan. Pools listening to miners or better pool software?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:28 AM, May 31st, 2016 via Twitter for Android)