There’s a special kind of despair that you get by receiving updates to a @github issue you commented on 2 years ago that’s going nowhere.
@gigq Sounds like the new hardware will still be profitable at 12.5 BTC / block
@JasonCoombsCEO Mainly because I wanted the tweet to contain “Dow” and “DAO” :-)
@JasonCoombsCEO I see what you’re saying. I can’t help but think of the saying “I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you.”
A Treasury inspector report showed over 10% of rehired IRS employees had prior performance or conduct issues.
@JasonCoombsCEO My point: I can buy as much of any stock as I want without actually knowing anything about it; this risk is mine to take.
@JasonCoombsCEO @NASDAQ / @DowJones / etc - all have high risk investment options and none ensure investor literacy…
RT @aantonop: I believe this is called a “Mexican Standoff”. No segwit no HF. No HF, no segwit. Compromise time.
Why should regulators “protect” us from investing in @The_DAO_Project when they don’t stop us from putting 100% into @DowJones penny stocks?
RT @ChristopherA: A very important milestone! New Vermont law legalizing Blockchain records! at around page 307 § 1…

Bitcoin continues to die in an upward direction, becoming ~30% stronger in terms of computational security last week