@MichaelJordaan @DavidShares @CelliersJ1 2000 TPS of soft money or 2 TPS of hard money. The choice is yours!
“@Airbitz will use edge security functionality to store encrypted version controlled backups of LN wallets.” - @paullinator @SFBitcoinDevs
“We’re very excited about the Lightning Network and intend to support it natively in the @Airbitz platform.” - @paullinator @SFBitcoinDevs
“Lightning Network wallets will need more than a 24 word backup since each txn creates nondeterministic data.” - @paullinator @SFBitcoinDevs
OpenBazaar’s ambitious roadmap includes investigating integration of Lightning Network. https://t.co/aLgCWSVyAW
@AustenAllred I lost count of how many times my parents told me to stop playing around with computers while I was growing up…

It has been an uncharacteristically quiet Monday on the Bitcoin network, especially given the rising exchange rate. pic.twitter.com/5id2w4CXe8
RT @johnbiggs: PayPal will no longer protect your crowdfunding cash https://t.co/SYY3BsJAdL
Improving Bitcoin’s fee market won’t increase capacity, but it will preserve it for the highest value use cases. https://t.co/jUCX9qSdRI
RT @oxt_btc: Introducing OXT Landscapes (aka “blockchain analytics on acid”)