@AustenAllred I think the more important question is: will he be the LAST president?
Wei Dai on cryptocurrency patents: https://t.co/FVnMp3cspi https://t.co/FqIzisI27a
@kristovatlas @BitcoinBelle @VitalikButerin I’m proud to say that I’m banned from /r/buttcoin
Academics announce theoretical RNG breakthrough. Sounds simpler than a wall of lava lamps… https://t.co/2Nb3gvbOwS /cc @matthew_d_green
@polemitis There’s always plenty of that science to do; just ask @realytcracker
If you find yourself performing low level bit manipulation outside of a classroom, you’re doing something really awesome or really terrible.
@el33th4xor @Singularitybook Nope; I had never heard of such optimizations before.
@el33th4xor @Singularitybook If there is evidence of prior art, then it’s not an original idea that’s patentable.
@Singularitybook @el33th4xor Sounds to me like there’s ample evidence to show that the patent shouldn’t be granted.

oxt_btc Sadly, fees aren’t the only thing which has increased lately #AddressReuse #2016S1 #Bitcoin #Privacy pic.twitter.com/NLQbGAxmyK
@1cyrilblanc1 @BronxR Information wants to be free; patents slow down innovation and are becoming increasingly irrelevant in the info age.
@andzsy This is one scenario I fear; it could be a huge resource drain.