The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 5th, 2017

Ouch, somebody paid 762 ETH ($7,791.41) in fees for a single 350 ETH transaction.

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@rogerkver @JihanWu @ViaBTC @blockchain @coinbase @officialmcafee @ErikVoorhees Turns out buying 9% of a block costs 7% of a bitcoin… 🤔

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@jonmatonis Sounds like coinbase/gdax was hurting the worst, but I also heard complaints of slowness at kraken

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Biggest surprise this week hasn’t been price volatility, but rather that BTC exchanges still aren’t robust enough to handle peak traffic.

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@Peculiar_Dude Correction, though plenty of people will cite is as an example of Bitcoin being a terrible asset that no one should use.

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Bitcoin died again, sooner than expected. It died all the way back to last week’s exchange rate.

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