@KanuDeshpande The last time I recall seeing such research, it was showing that ~4MB blocks are “safe” in terms of network propagation.
@Bitcoinference @Cloudflare @torproject Oops, might want to look into that @21
@Aquentson I think BU would need a lot more vetting and time before it could be widely considered safe, while SegWit has been vetted.
@TuurDemeester I think that’s optional; haven’t linked my account to CB.
@mikeinspace @TuurDemeester @21 I’m on android; have only used web app.
@Aquentson Heh, from my perspective it was a long 2 years of watching the block size debate and seeing HF attempts fail over and over.
@mikeinspace @TuurDemeester @21 Possibly, or maybe you just have to get through a certain number of tasks…
@TuurDemeester To be clear, this is all @21’s doing; I’m just a user.
@Aquentson Indeed, and as I recall the max block size growth was well-defined, thus node operators could project max future CONOP.
@Aquentson Fundamental question always seems to come down to acceptable CONOP, which I can only know for myself, not all Bitcoin users.
@Aquentson I have a problem with unbounded on-chain growth, yes. I’ve only ever supported well-defined on-chain growth proposals.
You can now send me an unsolicited message & incentivize me w/BTC to respond via 21.co/statoshi/ (wish I could do this on @LinkedIn)
@Aquentson I can see why some people would think that, but I remain in support of both, as I wrote years ago: https://t.co/D3RMqQ0Xwa
@robustus @GAndrewStone Certainly; I always have multiple people with varying viewpoints review my technical articles.
Should I invest time to write an in-depth analysis article about Bitcoin Unlimited’s emergent consensus & implications for node operators?
Love it or hate it, Bitcoin is fueling an acceleration in Internet security via ransomware. https://t.co/ri6KucBnnw
@digitsu @seweso @adam3us Yep. People can be spiteful and stall progress or we can move forward. I have no interest in the former.
@seweso I can’t make anyone do anything, I can only distill my own understanding for laymen. My support for Bitcoin… https://t.co/idWFtQEoLW
@seweso I’m considering the various scenarios for nodes with low limits that are exceeded by miners. May merit a blog post to clarify.
@seweso Also, your 2 choices are to either eventually accept the larger blocks from miners or to be forked off of t… https://t.co/3Mj7hrNr8W
@seweso My understanding is that BU downloads & stores every valid block it receives regardless of your local block… https://t.co/7gAT6XwbIx