@furziadmi @LukeDashjr Assumes SegWit activation, decreases legacy block size to adjust, then increases 17% yearly w/hard fork in 2024
.@LukeDashjr announces 3 hard fork related Bitcoin Improvement Proposals https://t.co/3vQDmjT9K6
@S_McGraw Difference is that value isn’t manipulable by an authority debasing it. Free markets can be “manipulated”… https://t.co/tJQ2nrBMCY
@Falkvinge You’re predicting a hard fork, but are you predicting that it results in a single chain?
@S_McGraw There isn’t any currency that has value stability. It’s all relative and a matter of perspective.
@BronxR @alansilbert I don’t think @BashCo_ was trying to deceive anyone here; it’s a kneejerk reaction I see a lot.
@EncryptionGirl @LedgerHQ Morris’ Three Golden Rules of Computer Security are in effect as usual :-)
@S_McGraw Value stability has never and will never be a goal of the protocol. If miners were compromised, protocol would be changed.
@AlpacaSW Indeed, and yet P2SH has been working great. I see parallels with SegWit debate. It’s not perfect, but it’s progress.
@AlpacaSW Yes, name calling is unproductive. Clearly they clashed a lot. I myself have butted heads with LJR on occasion.
@theonevortex @Excellion @gavinandresen If I’m the only one, it will be mostly useless. Will need to have a wider effort.
@AlpacaSW Great example of why we should examine each idea on its own. LJR has had great contributions & also controversial proposals.
@AlpacaSW Looks like a misunderstanding + public shaming gone wrong. In my experience, “.@” replies can sometimes be bullying behavior.
@AlpacaSW I can see why you’d infer trolling from that, but it looks like a legitimate question. You might be projecting.
@theonevortex @Excellion @gavinandresen Correct, I can only attempt to moderate a small subset of the activity that falls within my view.
@theonevortex @Excellion @gavinandresen Some people find value in moderators. Some people don’t.
@AlpacaSW @bitbuck @Excellion @gavinandresen If I see such behavior, I will. I’m not taking sides with regard to this issue.
@MAbtc @nvk @Excellion @gavinandresen 2) B/C if you look at history, we’ve seen great contributions from people who also made bad proposals.
@MAbtc @nvk @Excellion @gavinandresen 1) That’s fine, though I recommend judging each idea on its own. Why, you may ask?
@nvk @Excellion @gavinandresen Let me clarify further: plenty of blame to go around on all sides. “They started it” doesn’t help us heal.
@bitbuck @Excellion @gavinandresen If all you can do is waste my time with drivel, I’ll no choice but to stop reading what you say.
@theonevortex @Excellion @gavinandresen I was in favor of XT. I’m in favor of all means of scaling. https://t.co/iOPMVgkLJX
@nvk @Excellion @gavinandresen To be clear, I’m advocating for civil debate, not lack of debate / passivity to claims & arguments.
@Excellion @gavinandresen Harshness won’t help anything. Let’s de-escalate.
@AlpacaSW @CharlieShrem @gavinandresen Your complaints about people trolling a quickly nullified by your own trolling. What a waste.
Just confirmed you can use @LedgerHQ Blue & Nano S devices to secure your Facebook account! https://t.co/AFwdWQxVdo https://t.co/6EzPDRsGc3
@AlpacaSW @TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda This is exactly what I’m talking about. Why are you wasting our time with drivel.
@kyletorpey @TuurDemeester @WhalePanda I agree it may change some people’s minds. But at what cost? Just trying to promote civility.
@kyletorpey @TuurDemeester @WhalePanda Might I suggest that you look for parallels in a recent election and see how well that worked?
@lopp @kyletorpey @TuurDemeester @WhalePanda Could be the case for some, but then wouldn’t they also follow if leader was discredited?
@kyletorpey @TuurDemeester @WhalePanda Are you claiming that people will follow a leader even if their ideas have been discredited?
@CryptoChrisG @TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda It looks like I’ll be doing that more often now (for everyone, regardless of beliefs)
@AlpacaSW @TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda The malice is not visible to me. I can completely understand his perspective.
@CryptoChrisG @TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda If you have a problem with his arguments, engage him in debate.
@AlpacaSW @TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda
Seems to me that many agree in the wisdom of:
1) Not assuming malice
2) Not feeding trolls
@CryptoChrisG @TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda No need to discredit the man when you can discredit the idea.
@TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda We all know Bitcoin isn’t a company. Diff in opinion is between “web app dev” vs “aerospace dev”
@TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda I think you inferred a claim that wasn’t there. He was talking about running a company, not Bitcoin.
@WhalePanda @giacomozucco @MrHodl @TuurDemeester I would agree, that’s not a constructive debate at all.
@AlpacaSW @TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda Unnecessarily abrasive. Ditto for https://t.co/TEGWe9Yf7G
@giacomozucco @WhalePanda @MrHodl @TuurDemeester I proposed that perpetually toxic people be ostracized, sure. Haven’t seen that from Gavin.
@TuurDemeester @MrHodl @WhalePanda Kind of; when discussing concepts it’s not necessary to name people supporting them. More divisive IMO.
@WhalePanda @MrHodl @TuurDemeester “He started it” isn’t much of a justification either. Might I suggest taking the high road?
@MrHodl @TuurDemeester @WhalePanda Conflicting beliefs doesn’t justify attacking a person.
@TuurDemeester @WhalePanda Please focus on attacking the idea, not the person promoting the idea. Thanks.
RT @firstecache: It is almost universally true that violence has been necessary to ensure the redistribution of wealth
@jimmysong @BitcoinErrorLog That’s my plan, to call out the worst cases.
@jimmysong @BitcoinErrorLog You can only decide yourself who to mute / block / ignore / ostracize. Can’t force others to do so.
@BitcoinErrorLog Not as far as I’m aware, though I’ll keep you updated if that changes 😉 Keep asking the hard questions!
@deadalnix It sounds like it’s only a matter of time before more info comes out.