The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 30th, 2017

@AlpacaSW @juscamarena No, that entire thread is a trash fire. It’s also unprofessional for BU to put “Blockstream Core” vars in their code.

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@AlpacaSW There’s a big difference between civil intellectual debate and toxic fallacious “debate.”

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@MrHodl Context: Emergent Consensus is far few lines of code than Segregated Witness. It’s a factual statement regardless of other issues.

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@jwilkins By which you mean they should be considered more secure?

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@AlpacaSW @seweso @rogerkver @gavinandresen I don’t know how to put this other than bluntly: referencing the HK Agreement is a waste of time

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@Excellion @gavinandresen You might regret being so gleeful about this… this story isn’t quite completed.

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@rogerkver @gavinandresen Couldn’t Bitcoin Classic and Unlimited add SegWit support so that we can move forward constructively?

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@MrChrisEllis I don’t think putting quotes around “Blockstream Core” makes it any less insulting to all Core devs, Blockstream & otherwise.

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@HostFat That wasn’t my claim. My point was that the user’s choice in the market for consensus rules is a wider variety than often discussed

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@flyosity I’m holding out for Triple Coupon Wednesdays!

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@ErikVoorhees The real question is how folks feel about leaving the “literally never” crowd behind.

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Consensus market isn’t Core vs Unlimited, it’s:
Core, Knots, NBitcoin, Bcoin, BTCD, libbitcoin, Toshi, Haskoin
vs Unlimited, Classic
vs XT

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@GlobalMacroBot To let “the free market” determine the block size limit dynamically.

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@adam3us It’s hard to quantify. I do believe “meatspace consensus” provides a strong safety net, but each fallback to it erodes user trust.

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@TuurDemeester There was a pull request, but as far as I can tell that specific change wasn’t discussed.…

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61% of reachable BU nodes will reach chain consensus in ~40 minutes.
24% are configured to stay out of consensus fo…

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RT @coindesk: Ledger’s new hardware wallet is the most costly on the market. Is it worth the extra cash? Jameson Lopp investigates https://…

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When your premise is that human consensus is sufficiently reliable to trust, machine consensus becomes less valuable

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